is legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of very high?
The website ‘’ appears to be a technology-focused platform, likely related to IT and professional development. The content includes references to various technical topics such as hacking and security, Microsoft, Cisco, programming, networking, Linux, virtualization, web design, graphics, and more. The site seems to offer educational resources and courses in these areas.
Given the technical nature of the content, it’s important to verify the credibility and relevance of the information provided. Users interested in IT and related fields may find the site useful for learning and staying updated on industry trends.
It’s worth noting that the website’s domain, ‘,’ suggests a focus on IT professionals, which aligns with the content observed. However, as with any online resource, it’s advisable to exercise critical thinking and cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources, especially when it comes to technical or professional topics.
The site’s availability on the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web, indicates that it has been active for a significant period. This can be a positive sign of stability and longevity.
In summary, ‘’ seems to be a legitimate and valuable resource for individuals interested in IT, technology, and professional development. However, users should always verify the accuracy of information and exercise caution when engaging with online content, especially in technical or specialized fields.”
the reasons behind this review :
The website '' appears to be a technology-focused platform, likely related to IT and professional development. The content includes references to various technical topics such as hacking and security, Microsoft, Cisco, programming, networking, Linux, virtualization, web design, graphics, and more. The site seems to offer educational resources and courses in these areas.
Given the technical nature of the content, it's important to verify the credibility and relevance of the information provided. Users interested in IT and related fields may find the site useful for learning and staying updated on industry trends.
It's worth noting that the website's domain, ',' suggests a focus on IT professionals, which aligns with the content observed. However, as with any online resource, it's advisable to exercise critical thinking and cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources, especially when it comes to technical or professional topics.
The site's availability on the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web, indicates that it has been active for a significant period. This can be a positive sign of stability and longevity.
In summary, '' seems to be a legitimate and valuable resource for individuals interested in IT, technology, and professional development. However, users should always verify the accuracy of information and exercise caution when engaging with online content, especially in technical or specialized fields.
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Positive reviews are more than negative reviews Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Archive Age is quite old | Whois data is hidden |
How much trust do people have in
WHOIS Data Status :
Title :
توسینسو | عدم وجود منبع درخواستی
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
16 year(s) 1 month(s) 21 day(s)
SSL Status :
IP :
ISP : AS51026 Dade Pardazi Mobinhost Co LTD
Country : IR
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS205585 Noyan Abr Arvan Co. ( Private Joint Stock)
Country : IR
Target :
IP :
ISP : AS205585 Noyan Abr Arvan Co. ( Private Joint Stock)
Country : IR
This website was last scanned on December 10, 2024
The website content is highly suspicious and exhibits several red flags commonly associated with scam or fraudulent activities: 1. Lack of Clear Business Model: The website's content is vague and...
The website appears to be a scam. Several red flags indicate this: 1. Lack of Information: The website lacks essential information about the company, such as its physical address,... redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Inventables is a legitimate company that provides a platform for individuals and businesses to access a wide range of materials...