How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very high?

The website ‘’ appears to be a news and information portal, covering a wide range of topics such as politics, business, sports, Bollywood, technology, and health. The content seems to be in Hindi, as evident from the use of Hindi language in the news headlines and categories.

Based on the provided information, the website seems to be a legitimate news platform. However, it’s important to note that the legitimacy and trustworthiness of a website cannot be solely determined by its content or the topics it covers. It’s essential to consider other factors such as the website’s reputation, credibility of the authors, and the presence of verifiable sources for the information provided.

Here are some general considerations for evaluating the credibility of a news website:

1. **Domain Age and History:** The fact that the domain is relatively new (2 months and 6 days) doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of credibility, as many legitimate websites are launched frequently. However, it’s worth considering if the website has a history of changing domain names or if it has suddenly appeared with a new domain.

2. **Whois Information:** The fact that the Whois information is hidden is not uncommon for many websites, especially those that are privately registered. While it can make it more challenging to verify the website’s ownership, it’s not necessarily an indication of illegitimacy.

3. **SSL Certificate:** The SSL certificate from ZeroSSL is a positive sign, as it indicates that the website has taken steps to secure its connection and protect user data.

4. **Server Information:** The server information provided ( /,72.8826-AS47583 Hostinger International Limited-400017-Asia/Kolkata) seems to be consistent with the website’s claimed focus on Indian news and content.

5. **Content Quality:** While the topics covered by the website are diverse, the quality and accuracy of the content are essential factors to consider. It’s advisable to cross-check the information provided with other reputable sources.

6. **User Reviews and Reputation:** If available, user reviews and the website’s reputation in the online community can provide valuable insights into its credibility.

7. **Advertising and Monetization:** Pay attention to the website’s advertising practices and how it generates revenue. Excessive or misleading ads can be a red flag.

8. **Contact Information and About Page:** Legitimate websites typically provide clear contact information and an ‘About’ page that details the organization or individuals behind the site.

9. **Social Media Presence:** Check if the website has an active and credible presence on social media platforms.

10. **Fact-Checking:** Consider using fact-checking websites to verify the accuracy of specific news articles or claims.

It’s important to approach new websites with a degree of caution, especially when it comes to news and information sources. While the website ‘’ appears to be a legitimate news platform based on the provided information, it’s advisable to apply critical thinking and verify the credibility of the content through additional sources and considerations.”

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age and History, Whois Information, SSL Certificate, Server Information, Content Quality, User Reviews and Reputation, Advertising and Monetization, Contact Information and About Page, Social Media Presence, Fact-Checking
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden