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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be in Persian and is related to an organization called “انجمن حمایت از حقوق کودکان” (Society for the Protection of Children’s Rights). The content seems to be focused on child welfare and rights advocacy. The website provides information about the organization, its structure, news, and how to support its activities. It also mentions a specific initiative called “صدای یارا” (Yara’s Voice), which seems to be a helpline for children and adolescents.

Given the nature of the content, it’s important to note that the assessment of the website’s safety should not solely rely on its content. It’s crucial to verify the legitimacy of the organization and its activities through other sources, especially if you intend to engage with them or support their cause.

Here are some general steps you can take to assess the credibility of the website and the organization:

1. Contact Information: Check if the website provides clear and verifiable contact information, such as a physical address, phone number, and email. This can help confirm the organization’s existence.

2. External References: Look for external references to the organization, such as news articles, social media presence, or mentions in reputable publications. This can provide additional context and validation.

3. Reviews and Testimonials: If available, look for reviews or testimonials from individuals or other organizations that have interacted with or benefited from the services of the organization.

4. Official Registration: In many countries, legitimate organizations working in areas like child welfare are required to be officially registered. Check if the organization is registered with relevant government authorities.

5. Financial Transparency: Legitimate organizations often provide transparency about their financial activities, including how donations are used. Look for financial reports or disclosures on the website.

6. Professional Affiliations: Check if the organization is affiliated with recognized professional or advocacy groups related to child welfare.

7. Security and Privacy: Ensure that the website uses secure connections (https://) for any sensitive interactions, such as making donations or sharing personal information.

8. Trustworthy Payment Methods: If you plan to make a donation, ensure that the website uses trustworthy and secure payment methods.

By conducting these checks and possibly reaching out to the organization directly, you can gain a better understanding of its legitimacy and the impact of its work. It’s important to support causes related to child welfare, but it’s equally important to ensure that your support reaches genuine and effective organizations.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be in Persian and is related to an organization called "انجمن حمایت از حقوق کودکان" (Society for the Protection of Children's Rights). The content seems to be focused on child welfare and rights advocacy. The website provides information about the organization, its structure, news, and how to support its activities. It also mentions a specific initiative called "صدای یارا" (Yara's Voice), which seems to be a helpline for children and adolescents.

Given the nature of the content, it's important to note that the assessment of the website's safety should not solely rely on its content. It's crucial to verify the legitimacy of the organization and its activities through other sources, especially if you intend to engage with them or support their cause.

Here are some general steps you can take to assess the credibility of the website and the organization:

1. **Contact Information**: Check if the website provides clear and verifiable contact information, such as a physical address, phone number, and email. This can help confirm the organization's existence.

2. **External References**: Look for external references to the organization, such as news articles, social media presence, or mentions in reputable publications. This can provide additional context and validation.

3. **Reviews and Testimonials**: If available, look for reviews or testimonials from individuals or other organizations that have interacted with or benefited from the services of the organization.

4. **Official Registration**: In many countries, legitimate organizations working in areas like child welfare are required to be officially registered. Check if the organization is registered with relevant government authorities.

5. **Financial Transparency**: Legitimate organizations often provide transparency about their financial activities, including how donations are used. Look for financial reports or disclosures on the website.

6. **Professional Affiliations**: Check if the organization is affiliated with recognized professional or advocacy groups related to child welfare.

7. **Security and Privacy**: Ensure that the website uses secure connections (https://) for any sensitive interactions, such as making donations or sharing personal information.

8. **Trustworthy Payment Methods**: If you plan to make a donation, ensure that the website uses trustworthy and secure payment methods.

By conducting these checks and possibly reaching out to the organization directly, you can gain a better understanding of its legitimacy and the impact of its work. It's important to support causes related to child welfare, but it's equally important to ensure that your support reaches genuine and effective organizations.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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