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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a service offering the sale of Instagram followers, likes, and video views, primarily targeting an Iranian audience. The site claims to have a long history and a large number of successful transactions, with specific details about the number of followers and likes delivered. It also provides pricing information for different quantities of followers, likes, and video views, along with assurances of fast delivery and security.

However, it’s important to note that the purchase and sale of social media engagement, including followers and likes, is a controversial and often unethical practice. Many social media platforms, including Instagram, explicitly prohibit the buying and selling of followers and engagement, and they actively work to identify and remove fake accounts and inauthentic activity.

From a user’s perspective, buying followers and engagement can have several negative consequences:

1. Risk of Account Suspension: If Instagram detects that an account has engaged in the purchase of followers or likes, it can result in account suspension or even permanent banning.
2. Inauthentic Engagement: Purchased followers and likes are not real people who are genuinely interested in the content. This can create a false impression of popularity and lead to a lack of genuine engagement.
3. Damage to Credibility: In the long run, having a high number of fake followers can damage the credibility and trustworthiness of an account, especially for businesses and influencers.
4. Waste of Resources: Spending money on fake engagement is a waste of resources that could be better invested in genuine marketing and content creation.
5. Ethical Concerns: Engaging in the purchase of followers and likes goes against the principles of authenticity and genuine connection that are important in social media.

Given these considerations, it’s advisable for individuals and businesses to focus on organic growth and genuine engagement on social media platforms. Building a real and engaged audience takes time and effort, but it leads to more meaningful and sustainable results.

As for the specific website,, it’s important to approach it with caution. The sale of social media engagement is a contentious area, and the claims made by such websites should be critically evaluated. Additionally, the use of terms like "real" and "active" followers should be scrutinized, as these are often misleading in the context of purchased engagement.

It’s also worth noting that the website’s emphasis on "fast delivery" and "no need for your password" may raise red flags. Authentic growth on social media typically takes time, and any service that promises immediate results should be viewed with skepticism.

Ultimately, the decision to engage with services like should be made with a clear understanding of the risks and ethical considerations involved. It’s advisable to prioritize genuine, organic growth on social media platforms, even if it takes longer to see results.”

the reasons behind this review :
The purchase and sale of social media engagement, including followers and likes, is a controversial and often unethical practice. Many social media platforms, including Instagram, explicitly prohibit the buying and selling of followers and engagement, and they actively work to identify and remove fake accounts and inauthentic activity. From a user's perspective, buying followers and engagement can have several negative consequences: 1. **Risk of Account Suspension**: If Instagram detects that an account has engaged in the purchase of followers or likes, it can result in account suspension or even permanent banning. 2. **Inauthentic Engagement**: Purchased followers and likes are not real people who are genuinely interested in the content. This can create a false impression of popularity and lead to a lack of genuine engagement. 3. **Damage to Credibility**: In the long run, having a high number of fake followers can damage the credibility and trustworthiness of an account, especially for businesses and influencers. 4. **Waste of Resources**: Spending money on fake engagement is a waste of resources that could be better invested in genuine marketing and content creation. 5. **Ethical Concerns**: Engaging in the purchase of followers and likes goes against the principles of authenticity and genuine connection that are important in social media. Given these considerations, it's advisable for individuals and businesses to focus on organic growth and genuine engagement on social media platforms. Building a real and engaged audience takes time and effort, but it leads to more meaningful and sustainable results. As for the specific website,, it's important to approach it with caution. The sale of social media engagement is a contentious area, and the claims made by such websites should be critically evaluated. Additionally, the use of terms like "real" and "active" followers should be scrutinized, as these are often misleading in the context of purchased engagement. It's also worth noting that the website's emphasis on "fast delivery" and "no need for your password" may raise red flags. Authentic growth on social media typically takes time, and any service that promises immediate results should be viewed with skepticism. Ultimately, the decision to engage with services like should be made with a clear understanding of the risks and ethical considerations involved. It's advisable to prioritize genuine, organic growth on social media platforms, even if it takes longer to see results.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

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