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Why is the trust score of very high?

Insight Crime is a reputable organization that focuses on the study of organized crime in the Americas. It is a media organization and think tank that provides in-depth analysis, investigations, and reports on various aspects of organized crime, including criminal economies, dynamics, and public policy. The organization’s mission is to deepen and inform the debate about organized crime and citizen security in the Americas by providing regular reporting, analysis, data, investigation, and policy suggestions. Insight Crime is known for its rigorous approach, which involves fusing investigative journalism with academic rigor and conducting extensive ground research, including speaking to both legal and illegal actors.

Key Features and Activities:

1. Investigative Journalism: Insight Crime conducts in-depth investigations into various aspects of organized crime, including criminal organizations, activities, and their impact on society.

2. Data Analysis: The organization collects and analyzes data related to organized crime, which forms the basis of its reports and analysis.

3. Policy Suggestions: Insight Crime provides policy suggestions on how to tackle the challenges posed by organized crime, based on its research and analysis.

4. Academic Alliances: The organization collaborates with leading academic institutions across the region, such as American University’s Center for Latin American and Latino Studies (CLALS) and the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá.

5. Comprehensive Database: Insight Crime maintains a comprehensive database on organized crime in the region, which includes information from various sources, such as news outlets, academic journals, and governmental reports.

6. Country Profiles: The organization develops and updates profiles of countries, criminal organizations, and personalities from around the region, providing detailed information and analysis.

7. Expert Team: Insight Crime has a team of about 50 investigators working across the Americas and Europe, including reporters with extensive experience, investigators with graduate degrees in relevant fields, and experts in design, translation, and data analysis.

8. Leadership: The co-founders and co-directors of Insight Crime, Steven Dudley and Jeremy McDermott, have significant experience and expertise in the field of organized crime and have been recognized for their work.

Overall, Insight Crime is a trusted source for information and analysis on organized crime in the Americas. Its work is characterized by a commitment to rigorous research, in-depth investigations, and a multi-faceted approach that combines journalism, data analysis, and policy recommendations. The organization’s collaboration with academic institutions and its extensive network of experts and partners further enhance its credibility and the depth of its insights.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable organization, Focus on the study of organized crime in the Americas, Media organization and think tank, Provides in-depth analysis, investigations, and reports, Covers various aspects of organized crime, including criminal economies, dynamics, and public policy, Mission to deepen and inform the debate about organized crime and citizen security in the Americas, Regular reporting, analysis, data, investigation, and policy suggestions, Rigorous approach, Fuses investigative journalism with academic rigor, Conducts extensive ground research, Speaks to both legal and illegal actors, Key Features and Activities, Investigative Journalism, Data Analysis, Policy Suggestions, Academic Alliances, Comprehensive Database, Country Profiles, Expert Team, Leadership, Co-founders and co-directors, Steven Dudley and Jeremy McDermott, Trusted source for information and analysis on organized crime in the Americas, Commitment to rigorous research, In-depth investigations, Multi-faceted approach, Collaboration with academic institutions, Extensive network of experts and partners, Enhances credibility and depth of insights
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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