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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a Czech news and information portal focused on ice hockey. The site’s title, “ – web českého hokeje,” translates to “ – the website of Czech hockey.” The description, “ | oficiální web českého hokeje. extraliga, 1. liga, 2. liga, mládež, reprezentace, mistrovství světa, nhl, champions hockey league, evropské ligy,” indicates that it covers various aspects of Czech and international ice hockey, including leagues, youth hockey, national teams, and international competitions like the NHL and Champions Hockey League. The site’s content includes references to specific hockey-related topics, such as player names, game results, and league standings. It also mentions various leagues and events, including the Extraliga, 1. liga, 2. liga, mládež (youth), reprezentace (national team), mistrovství světa (World Championship), NHL, and Champions Hockey League. These references suggest that the site provides comprehensive coverage of the hockey world, catering to fans and enthusiasts interested in both domestic and international hockey. The website also includes social media links, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, indicating that it likely has a presence on these platforms for sharing and promoting its content. Overall, seems to be a reputable and informative source for ice hockey news and updates, particularly for those interested in the Czech hockey scene and its connections to international hockey.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a Czech news and information portal focused on ice hockey. The site's title, " - web českého hokeje," translates to " - the website of Czech hockey." The description, " | oficiální web českého hokeje. extraliga, 1. liga, 2. liga, mládež, reprezentace, mistrovství světa, nhl, champions hockey league, evropské ligy," indicates that it covers various aspects of Czech and international ice hockey, including leagues, youth hockey, national teams, and international competitions like the NHL and Champions Hockey League. The site's content includes references to specific hockey-related topics, such as player names, game results, and league standings. It also mentions various leagues and events, including the Extraliga, 1. liga, 2. liga, mládež (youth), reprezentace (national team), mistrovství světa (World Championship), NHL, and Champions Hockey League. These references suggest that the site provides comprehensive coverage of the hockey world, catering to fans and enthusiasts interested in both domestic and international hockey. The website also includes social media links, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, indicating that it likely has a presence on these platforms for sharing and promoting its content. Overall, seems to be a reputable and informative source for ice hockey news and updates, particularly for those interested in the Czech hockey scene and its connections to international hockey.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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