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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Hivestack is a technology company that provides a programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising platform. The platform is designed to enable advertisers, agencies, and media owners to buy and sell DOOH advertising space programmatically, similar to how online display advertising is bought and sold. This approach aims to bring greater efficiency, targeting capabilities, and measurement to the traditionally static and less data-driven DOOH advertising industry.

Key features and offerings of Hivestack’s platform include:

1. Programmatic Buying and Selling: Hivestack’s platform facilitates the automated buying and selling of DOOH ad space, allowing for real-time bidding and optimization based on various targeting parameters.

2. Audience Targeting: The platform leverages data to enable precise audience targeting, including demographic, behavioral, and location-based targeting, to reach specific audience segments.
3. Measurement and Analytics: Hivestack provides tools for measuring the effectiveness of DOOH campaigns, including metrics such as ad viewability, audience reach, and attribution to offline actions.

4. Global Reach: Hivestack’s platform is designed to offer access to a wide range of DOOH inventory globally, allowing advertisers to run campaigns in multiple markets.

5. Integration with DSPs and SSPs: The platform integrates with demand-side platforms (DSPs) and supply-side platforms (SSPs) to facilitate the buying and selling of DOOH ad space across a network of publishers and media owners.

6. Header Bidding for DOOH: Hivestack’s platform includes a header bidding solution for DOOH, which aims to optimize ad inventory and maximize revenue for media owners.

7. Custom Audience Activation: Advertisers can activate custom audience segments for their DOOH campaigns, allowing for more tailored and effective targeting.

8. Real-Time Campaign Management: The platform enables real-time monitoring and management of DOOH campaigns, including the ability to adjust targeting and budgets on the fly.

9. Support for Various DOOH Formats: Hivestack’s platform supports various DOOH formats, including digital billboards, screens in transit hubs, and other digital signage locations.

Overall, Hivestack’s platform aims to bring the benefits of programmatic advertising, such as automation, data-driven targeting, and real-time optimization, to the DOOH industry. This can potentially make DOOH advertising more effective, measurable, and aligned with the evolving expectations of digital marketers.”

the reasons behind this review :
Programmatic DOOH advertising platform, Automated buying and selling of DOOH ad space, Real-time bidding and optimization, Audience targeting based on demographic, behavioral, and location data, Measurement and analytics for campaign effectiveness, Global reach with access to DOOH inventory in multiple markets, Integration with DSPs and SSPs for ad space transactions, Header bidding solution for DOOH to optimize ad inventory, Custom audience activation for tailored targeting, Real-time campaign management and adjustments, Support for various DOOH formats such as digital billboards and transit screens.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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