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Why is the trust score of strongly low? is a website that hosts and streams hentai content. Hentai is a genre of anime and manga that contains explicit sexual content. The website offers a wide range of hentai videos, including both traditional 2D animation and 3D animated content. Users can browse the site for free and watch videos without creating an account, but there is an option to register for a free account. The site also features categories for different types of hentai, such as uncensored, English subbed, and more. Additionally, it provides a search function for users to find specific titles or tags. The website’s design is typical of many streaming sites, with a grid layout for video thumbnails and a navigation bar for different sections. It also includes a trending section to highlight popular videos. The site’s primary language is English, and it appears to cater to an international audience. It’s important to note that hentai is a form of adult entertainment and is intended for mature audiences. As such, the content on is explicit and not suitable for minors. The site likely has an age restriction to comply with legal regulations regarding adult content. It’s also common for websites hosting adult material to have disclaimers about the age of their users. These disclaimers serve as a form of age verification and a way to distance the site from any potential legal issues related to minors accessing adult content. may have similar disclaimers and age restrictions. The website’s use of the term “free account” suggests that users can create an account without paying a subscription fee. This is a common model for many adult websites, where basic access is free, but there may be premium features or content that require payment. The specific details of what a free account offers on are not provided in the description, so it’s unclear if there are any limitations or if the site generates revenue through other means, such as advertising. It’s worth noting that the hosting and distribution of adult content can be a sensitive legal and ethical issue. Websites like must adhere to laws and regulations related to adult content, including age verification, consent, and obscenity laws. Additionally, they may face challenges related to copyright infringement if they host or distribute content without proper authorization. Users should be aware of these considerations when accessing adult websites and ensure that they are in compliance with relevant laws in their jurisdiction.”

the reasons behind this review :
Explicit adult content, Age restrictions, Free account model, Legal and ethical considerations, Copyright infringement risks
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden