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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ claims to offer academic assistance, including online course help, online class help, and online exam help. It promises guaranteed grades and features a list of subjects for which they offer support. The site also presents testimonials and profiles of supposed expert tutors. However, several aspects raise concerns:

1. **Guaranteed Grades:** It’s highly unethical and often impossible to guarantee specific grades in academic settings, especially without knowing the individual’s capabilities or the specific requirements of their courses.

2. **Subjective Testimonials:** The testimonials on the site are subjective and lack verifiable details. They could be fabricated to create a false sense of trust.

3. **Vague Information:** The website provides limited information about its operation, physical address, or the team behind it. This lack of transparency is a red flag.

4. **Promotion of Misuse:** The site claims to discourage misuse of its services, but the nature of its offerings, including guaranteed grades, can encourage academic dishonesty.

5. **Overpromising:** The site’s claims of being able to handle any subject and guaranteeing success in exams are unrealistic and overpromising.

6. **Payment Before Service:** Requiring full payment upfront, especially with promises of guaranteed results, is not a standard practice in legitimate academic support services.

7. **No Information on Tutors:** While the site lists supposed expert tutors, there’s no way to verify their credentials or the process through which they were selected.

8. **Highly Targeted Advertising:** The site’s focus on online academic assistance, including exam help, is a common tactic used by fraudulent or unethical academic services.

9. **Lack of Academic Integrity:** The site’s emphasis on achieving grades at any cost goes against the principles of academic integrity and learning for personal growth.

10. **Unrealistic Success Rate:** Claiming a 100% success rate in terms of grades is not feasible in the diverse and complex field of academics.


Based on the above points, the website ‘’ raises significant concerns. It’s important for individuals seeking academic support to be cautious and thoroughly research any service before engaging with it. Academic success should be pursued through ethical and genuine efforts, and any service promising guaranteed results should be approached with skepticism.”

the reasons behind this review :
Guaranteed Grades, Subjective Testimonials, Vague Information, Promotion of Misuse, Overpromising, Payment Before Service, No Information on Tutors, Highly Targeted Advertising, Lack of Academic Integrity, Unrealistic Success Rate
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new