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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Himebaugh Consulting, Inc. is a technology company that offers a range of services, including application development, website development, network design and setup, server deployment and maintenance, outsourcing, virtualization, secure remote access (VPN), network monitoring, backup and disaster recovery, and custom application development. The company has been in business since 1993 and is based in Canton, Ohio. They emphasize their local presence and commitment to the community, highlighting their in-house data center for hosting websites and web applications. They also mention their experience in various technologies, such as Microsoft and Linux server technologies, as well as cloud-based infrastructure using VMware vSphere and Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization technology. Himebaugh Consulting, Inc. provides examples of their work, including website development for various industries and custom application development for specific business needs. They also offer a case study of their work with Sheckler Excavating, demonstrating their ability to address complex business challenges with custom software solutions. The company’s website provides contact information for sales and general inquiries, as well as a phone number for technical support. Overall, the content on the website presents Himebaugh Consulting, Inc. as an established technology company with a focus on providing a range of IT services, particularly in the areas of application and website development, network infrastructure, and custom software solutions.”

the reasons behind this review :
Longevity in business (since 1993), Local presence and commitment to the community, Emphasis on in-house data center for website and web application hosting, Experience in various technologies (Microsoft, Linux, VMware vSphere, Hyper-V), Examples of work in website development for different industries, Case study demonstrating ability to address complex business challenges with custom software solutions, Contact information provided for sales, general inquiries, and technical support.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

No Negative Point

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Total 0 reviews

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