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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be the online presence of a data recovery and hard drive repair center based in Iran. The site is in Farsi and provides information about the services offered by the center, including data recovery from various types of storage devices such as hard drives, flash drives, and memory cards. The site also mentions a 26-year experience in data recovery and claims to have a high success rate in recovering lost data.

The website lists various scenarios where data recovery services might be needed, such as in cases of physical damage to the storage device, accidental deletion of data, or data loss due to software or hardware issues. It also emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help for data recovery to avoid further damage to the storage media.

The site provides contact information, including a phone number and address, for individuals to reach out for data recovery services. It also mentions free consultation services and a guarantee of data recovery, with the center only charging if they are successful in recovering the lost data.

The website includes a section on the history and background of the center, highlighting its establishment in 1376 (the Iranian calendar year, which corresponds to 1997 or 1998 in the Gregorian calendar). It also mentions collaborations with government ministries, organizations, and businesses.

The site features a list of services offered, including emergency data recovery within 3 hours, and specialized recovery for different types of storage devices such as external hard drives, internal hard drives, and SSDs. It also mentions expertise in recovering data from various server configurations, including RAID arrays.

The website provides a detailed breakdown of the data recovery process, including initial consultation, technical assessment of the storage device, cost estimation, and the actual recovery process. It also emphasizes the importance of choosing a reliable and experienced data recovery center to ensure the safety and integrity of the recovered data.

The site includes a section for frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to data recovery, addressing common concerns and queries that individuals might have when seeking professional help for recovering lost data.

Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate online platform for a data recovery and hard drive repair center in Iran. It provides detailed information about the services offered, the center’s history and expertise, and contact details for individuals in need of data recovery assistance. However, as with any service provider, it’s advisable for individuals to conduct their own research and due diligence before engaging with the center for data recovery services.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be the online presence of a data recovery and hard drive repair center based in Iran. The site is in Farsi and provides information about the services offered by the center, including data recovery from various types of storage devices such as hard drives, flash drives, and memory cards. The site also mentions a 26-year experience in data recovery and claims to have a high success rate in recovering lost data.

The website lists various scenarios where data recovery services might be needed, such as in cases of physical damage to the storage device, accidental deletion of data, or data loss due to software or hardware issues. It also emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help for data recovery to avoid further damage to the storage media.

The site provides contact information, including a phone number and address, for individuals to reach out for data recovery services. It also mentions free consultation services and a guarantee of data recovery, with the center only charging if they are successful in recovering the lost data.

The website includes a section on the history and background of the center, highlighting its establishment in 1376 (the Iranian calendar year, which corresponds to 1997 or 1998 in the Gregorian calendar). It also mentions collaborations with government ministries, organizations, and businesses.

The site features a list of services offered, including emergency data recovery within 3 hours, and specialized recovery for different types of storage devices such as external hard drives, internal hard drives, and SSDs. It also mentions expertise in recovering data from various server configurations, including RAID arrays.

The website provides a detailed breakdown of the data recovery process, including initial consultation, technical assessment of the storage device, cost estimation, and the actual recovery process. It also emphasizes the importance of choosing a reliable and experienced data recovery center to ensure the safety and integrity of the recovered data.

The site includes a section for frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to data recovery, addressing common concerns and queries that individuals might have when seeking professional help for recovering lost data.

Overall, the website appears to be a legitimate online platform for a data recovery and hard drive repair center in Iran. It provides detailed information about the services offered, the center's history and expertise, and contact details for individuals in need of data recovery assistance. However, as with any service provider, it's advisable for individuals to conduct their own research and due diligence before engaging with the center for data recovery services.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is hidden

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