How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of high?

The content provided is from a Tumblr blog, specifically from the “guruphoto” account. The blog seems to be focused on photography, particularly film photography, and includes various tags related to this theme. The tags include references to specific cameras, film types, and photography techniques. Additionally, there are tags related to specific locations, events, and even some personal elements like “my photos” and “my art.” The use of both English and Japanese tags suggests a potential bilingual or international audience.

Based on this content, the blog appears to be a personal photography portfolio or blog, showcasing the owner’s work and interests in film photography. The inclusion of specific tags for different types of film, cameras, and techniques indicates a level of expertise or at least a strong interest in the art of film photography. The variety of tags also suggests a diverse range of subjects and styles in the showcased photography.

The use of a theme by “simplig-folio” indicates that the blog may have a consistent and visually appealing layout, which is common for photography portfolios. The presence of notes on some posts suggests that there is some level of engagement with the content, although the number of notes varies.

Overall, based on the content provided, the “guruphoto” Tumblr blog appears to be a safe and legitimate personal photography blog, likely created by an individual with a passion for film photography and a desire to share their work with others. The inclusion of specific tags and the use of a consistent theme indicate a level of dedication to the craft of photography and the presentation of their portfolio.”

the reasons behind this review :
Personal photography portfolio, Focus on film photography, Inclusion of specific tags for different film types and cameras, Use of both English and Japanese tags, Potential bilingual or international audience, Use of a theme by "simplig-folio" for a consistent layout, Presence of notes on some posts indicating engagement, Likely created by an individual with a passion for film photography, Desire to share work with others, Dedication to the craft of photography and portfolio presentation
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden