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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website presents itself as the online platform for the Global Society for Research and Development (GSRD), promoting international conferences on various scientific and technological topics. However, several red flags and inconsistencies suggest that this website might not be a legitimate or trustworthy source for academic conferences or research.

1. **Lack of Detailed Information**: Legitimate conference websites typically provide comprehensive details about the organizing committee, scientific board, and previous editions of the conference. GSRD’s website lacks such detailed information.

2. **Vague Testimonials**: The testimonials on the website are generic and lack specific details. Authentic testimonials usually include the full name, affiliation, and possibly a photo of the person providing the feedback.

3. **Unrealistic Frequency of Conferences**: The website lists an unusually high number of upcoming conferences in different countries within a short time frame. This frequency is uncommon for reputable international conferences.

4. **Overlapping Conference Topics**: The website lists multiple conferences in the same location with similar or overlapping topics on the same dates. This is highly unusual for legitimate academic conferences.

5. **No Clear Publication Partners**: While the website mentions publication partners, it does not provide specific details about reputable publishing organizations or journals.

6. **Cookie Policy Warning**: The website’s emphasis on cookie policy before allowing browsing is unusual for a professional conference website.

7. **Lack of Information on Previous Publications**: The website mentions previous conferences but does not provide detailed information about the papers presented or the proceedings published.

8. **High Volume of Conferences**: The website lists an exceptionally high number of upcoming conferences, which is atypical for a legitimate organization.

9. **No Clear Contact Information**: While there is an email address provided, legitimate conference websites typically have a physical address, phone number, and more detailed contact information.

10. **Inconsistent Language and Grammar**: The website contains some language and grammar inconsistencies, which are uncommon for professional and established organizations.

11. **Unverified Claims of Impact**: The website claims to be one of the world’s fastest-growing non-profit organizations, but there is no verifiable evidence to support this assertion.

12. **Unusual Conference Topics**: The website lists a wide range of conference topics, some of which may not be commonly associated with each other in legitimate academic conferences.

13. **No Clear Information on Review Process**: Legitimate academic conferences typically provide transparent information about their paper review process and the qualifications of their reviewers.

14. **Unsubstantiated Claims of Professional Growth**: Testimonials on the website make broad claims about professional growth and cultural experiences without providing specific details.

15. **No Clear Information on Registration Fees**: Legitimate conference websites usually provide transparent information about registration fees, including early bird discounts and cancellation policies.

Given these red flags, it is advisable to exercise caution and conduct further research before engaging with this organization or registering for any conferences through their website. It is recommended to verify the legitimacy of the organization, the scientific committee, and the publication partners, and to ensure that the conference topics and frequency align with standard practices in the academic community.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Vague Testimonials, Unrealistic Frequency of Conferences, Overlapping Conference Topics, No Clear Publication Partners, Cookie Policy Warning, Lack of Information on Previous Publications, High Volume of Conferences, No Clear Contact Information, Inconsistent Language and Grammar, Unverified Claims of Impact, Unusual Conference Topics, No Clear Information on Review Process, Unsubstantiated Claims of Professional Growth, No Clear Information on Registration Fees
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI