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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Group-IB is a global cybersecurity company that specializes in preventing breaches, eliminating fraud, and protecting brands. They offer a range of products and services, including threat intelligence, fraud protection, managed extended detection and response (XDR), attack surface management, digital risk protection, and business email protection. Their solutions are powered by intelligence-driven technologies and the expertise of their cybersecurity professionals. Group-IB’s Unified Risk Platform is designed to understand adversaries targeting organizations and optimize defenses against them. It focuses on preventing breaches, fraud, and other cyber threats. The company has a strong track record, with over 1300 successful investigations, 300+ employees, 550+ enterprise customers, and operations in 60 countries. Group-IB has also been recognized by industry analysts, such as Gartner, Forrester, and IDC, for the quality of its threat intelligence solution. Their platform is positioned as one of the most feature-rich cyber protection platforms, covering cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and brand protection. Group-IB’s expertise in cybersecurity is evident in their focus on advanced cyber threats, continuous research, and the sharing of industry insights through reports, technical blogs, and webinars. They also contribute to cybersecurity awareness by creating professional courses for information security (IS) specialists and investing in cybersecurity research centers worldwide. Overall, Group-IB is a reputable and established player in the cybersecurity industry, with a strong focus on intelligence-driven solutions and a track record of success in protecting organizations from cyber threats.”

the reasons behind this review :
Global cybersecurity company, Specializes in preventing breaches, eliminating fraud, and protecting brands, Offers a range of products and services, including threat intelligence, fraud protection, managed extended detection and response (XDR), attack surface management, digital risk protection, and business email protection, Solutions powered by intelligence-driven technologies and the expertise of their cybersecurity professionals, Unified Risk Platform designed to understand adversaries targeting organizations and optimize defenses against them, Focuses on preventing breaches, fraud, and other cyber threats, Strong track record with over 1300 successful investigations, 300+ employees, 550+ enterprise customers, and operations in 60 countries, Recognized by industry analysts, such as Gartner, Forrester, and IDC, for the quality of its threat intelligence solution, Platform positioned as one of the most feature-rich cyber protection platforms, covering cybersecurity, fraud prevention, and brand protection, Expertise in cybersecurity evident in their focus on advanced cyber threats, continuous research, and the sharing of industry insights through reports, technical blogs, and webinars, Contributes to cybersecurity awareness by creating professional courses for information security (IS) specialists and investing in cybersecurity research centers worldwide, Reputable and established player in the cybersecurity industry, with a strong focus on intelligence-driven solutions and a track record of success in protecting organizations from cyber threats
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden