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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and services offered by raise several red flags that are commonly associated with academic cheating and scam websites:

1. **Guaranteed Pass and Quick Turn-Around:** Legitimate academic assistance services cannot guarantee a pass, especially with phrases like “100% guaranteed pass.” This is misleading and unrealistic, as academic performance depends on various factors, including the student’s effort and understanding of the material.

2. **Handling Proctored Exams:** Offering to handle proctored exams, which are meant to be invigilated and taken by the student under strict conditions, is highly unethical and likely violates academic integrity policies of educational institutions.

3. **Bypassing Proctoring Systems:** Promising to help students bypass proctoring systems is a clear indication of facilitating academic dishonesty.

4. **Taking Exams for Students:** Guaranteeing passing scores by taking exams for students is academic fraud and can have severe consequences for both the service provider and the student.

5. **Testimonials:** While the website includes testimonials, these can be fabricated or misleading. Testimonials should be taken with caution, especially on websites with questionable practices.

6. **Highly Positive Reviews:** The overly positive reviews, especially with specific percentage scores, can be a tactic to lure students into using their services. Legitimate reviews are usually more varied and balanced.

7. **Vague Information on Experts:** The website mentions a wide range of experts but does not provide verifiable information about these experts, such as their qualifications and credentials.

8. **Unrealistic Claims:** The website’s claims of elevating success beyond tests and embracing academic excellence, especially with the number of active students and faculty courses, seem exaggerated and unrealistic for a relatively new and unknown service.

9. **Lack of Transparency:** There is a lack of transparency about the company’s physical address, leadership, and accreditation, which is common in scam websites.

10. **Inconsistent Language and Grammar:** The use of inconsistent language and grammar errors in the website’s content can be a sign of unprofessionalism and lack of attention to detail.

11. **Unprofessional Website Design:** The website’s design and layout, including the use of stock images and generic content, are common among low-quality or scam websites.

12. **Unrealistic Range of Services:** The website claims to offer assistance in a wide range of exams, from GED to LSAT and GRE, which is unusual for a legitimate academic assistance service.

It’s important to note that using such services can have serious consequences for students, including academic penalties, loss of reputation, and long-term impacts on their careers. It’s always advisable for students to seek legitimate and ethical academic support from their educational institutions or reputable tutoring services.”

the reasons behind this review :
Guaranteed Pass and Quick Turn-Around, Handling Proctored Exams, Bypassing Proctoring Systems, Taking Exams for Students, Testimonials, Highly Positive Reviews, Vague Information on Experts, Unrealistic Claims, Lack of Transparency, Inconsistent Language and Grammar, Unprofessional Website Design, Unrealistic Range of Services
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
