How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members

Why is the trust score of very low?

The website presents several red flags that are commonly associated with scam or fraudulent websites:

Lack of Verifiable Information: The website provides very limited verifiable information about the company, such as a physical address, contact phone number, or details about its team. Legitimate businesses typically provide comprehensive contact information to build trust with their customers.

Unrealistic Claims: The website makes several unrealistic claims, such as offering 24/7 service worldwide, handling over 2,000,000 tons of cargo annually, and being the choice of the “biggest brands in the world.” These claims are exaggerated and not substantiated with credible evidence.

Poor Website Design and Content: The website’s design and content appear unprofessional and lack the polish expected from a reputable logistics company. This includes grammatical errors, inconsistent formatting, and generic stock images.

Lack of Online Presence: A legitimate company, especially one claiming to be a major player in the logistics industry, would typically have a strong online presence, including customer reviews, social media engagement, and industry recognition. The absence of such online validation is suspicious.

Request for Personal Information: If the website prompts you to provide personal or financial information without adequate security measures, it’s a major red flag. Legitimate logistics companies would have secure and encrypted systems for handling sensitive data.

Unsolicited Contact: If you received an unsolicited email or message directing you to this website, it’s a common tactic used by scammers. Legitimate companies don’t typically engage in aggressive or unsolicited marketing.

To further assess the legitimacy of this website, you can perform additional checks:

Search for Reviews and Feedback: Look for independent reviews and feedback from customers who have used the services of Global Mail Courier. Be cautious if you find a lack of credible reviews or if the reviews seem overly positive and generic.
Check Business Directories: Verify if the company is listed in reputable business directories or industry associations. Legitimate logistics companies often have a presence in such directories.
Contact the Company Directly: If you’re seriously considering using their services, try to contact the company directly through a verified phone number or email address. Ask for references or additional information to validate their claims.
Verify Physical Address: If the website provides a physical address, you can use online maps or directories to verify if the address corresponds to a legitimate business location.
Consult with Industry Experts: If possible, seek advice from professionals in the logistics or shipping industry. They may have insights or knowledge about the company’s reputation.
It’s important to approach websites like with caution, especially if you’re considering engaging in financial transactions or sharing sensitive information. Always prioritize your online security and verify the legitimacy of any company before proceeding with business dealings.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Verifiable Information, Unrealistic Claims, Poor Website Design and Content, Lack of Online Presence, Request for Personal Information, Unsolicited Contact, Search for Reviews and Feedback, Check Business Directories, Contact the Company Directly, Verify Physical Address, Consult with Industry Experts
Positive Points
Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI