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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ claims to be a reputable platform for purchasing gift cards in Iran. It offers a wide range of gift cards for various international services and platforms, including Apple, Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Netflix, and more. The site emphasizes instant delivery of the gift card codes and highlights the convenience and security of its services. It also provides a list of positive user testimonials to build trust.

However, several aspects of this website raise red flags:

1. Unverifiable Business Information: The website does not provide clear details about the company behind the platform. While it mentions co-founders and a sales manager, there is no verifiable information about the company’s registration, location, or history.

2. Lack of Trust Seals: The absence of well-known trust seals or certifications, such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or Trustpilot, is a concern. Legitimate e-commerce platforms often display these to enhance their credibility.

3. User Testimonials: While the site features user testimonials, these can be easily fabricated or cherry-picked to present a positive image. Without independent verification, they should be viewed with skepticism.

4. Limited Payment Security Information: The website does not provide detailed information about its payment security measures. Legitimate e-commerce sites typically emphasize secure payment processing and encryption.

5. Unusual Range of Services: The platform claims to offer a vast array of gift cards for international services, which may be unusual for a single website, especially if it is focused on the Iranian market.

6. No Information on Refunds or Disputes: Legitimate e-commerce platforms usually have clear policies regarding refunds, disputes, and customer protection. The absence of such information is a concern.

7. Domain Age and Hidden WHOIS Information: The domain age is not available, and the WHOIS information is hidden. While this is not necessarily indicative of a scam, it adds to the lack of transparency.

8. High-Risk Categories: The website’s emphasis on international payments, virtual cards, and a wide range of services can be associated with higher risk, especially in the context of potential fraud or money laundering.

9. No Physical Address or Contact Information: The absence of a physical address or detailed contact information is a common red flag for potentially fraudulent websites.

10. Unusual Server Response: The server response of ‘429-Array’ is unusual and may indicate technical issues or an attempt to obfuscate the actual server details.

Given these red flags, it is advisable to exercise caution when considering any transactions or sensitive information on this website. If you are interested in purchasing gift cards or engaging in e-commerce, it’s recommended to use well-established and reputable platforms with a clear track record of customer satisfaction and security.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unverifiable Business Information, Lack of Trust Seals, User Testimonials, Limited Payment Security Information, Unusual Range of Services, No Information on Refunds or Disputes, Domain Age and Hidden WHOIS Information, High-Risk Categories, No Physical Address or Contact Information, Unusual Server Response
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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