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Why is the trust score of high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. FullView is a company that offers a cobrowsing and screen control platform for modern support teams. The platform is designed to help support teams cut down on support time and improve customer experience. It is integrated with existing ticketing systems and is GDPR compliant.

The platform is endorsed by CEOs and support executives from various companies. It offers features such as one-click cobrowsing, troubleshooting, instant access to console data, session replays, and integration with popular customer support and CRM platforms like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Intercom.

FullView is positioned as a tool to supercharge customer support, and it claims to have helped various companies replicate bugs, improve user journeys, and resolve customer issues faster. It emphasizes the benefits of its cobrowsing feature, which allows support teams to guide customers on their screens and gain instant context to user issues.

The platform also highlights its privacy-focused approach, ensuring that sensitive information is automatically censored during live calls and session replays. It also offers features for automatically collecting and recording console and network logs for debugging and issue resolution.

FullView provides a self-guided interactive demo for users to experience the product. It also features customer testimonials and case studies to showcase how its platform has been used by various companies to enhance their customer support operations.

The company emphasizes the benefits of its platform for different industries, including SaaS, insurance, and financial services. It claims to have helped leading customer support teams increase customer satisfaction, lower average handle time, and effectively address user needs.

The platform’s website also includes a section for users to calculate potential savings by using FullView, based on the number of support agents, monthly tickets or calls, average annual salary per support agent, and average resolution time.

Overall, FullView appears to be a legitimate company offering a specialized platform for cobrowsing and screen control in the context of customer support. Its emphasis on privacy, integration with popular support platforms, and customer testimonials are all positive indicators of its credibility. However, as with any software or service, it’s advisable for potential users to conduct their own research and, if possible, request a trial or demo to assess its suitability for their specific needs.”

the reasons behind this review :
Cobrowsing and screen control platform for modern support teams, Integrated with existing ticketing systems, GDPR compliant, Endorsed by CEOs and support executives, Features one-click cobrowsing, Troubleshooting and instant access to console data, Session replays, Integration with popular customer support and CRM platforms like Salesforce, Zendesk, and Intercom, Emphasizes the benefits of cobrowsing for guiding customers and gaining instant context to user issues, Privacy-focused approach with automatic censorship of sensitive information, Features for automatically collecting and recording console and network logs for debugging and issue resolution, Provides a self-guided interactive demo for users to experience the product, Includes customer testimonials and case studies, Emphasizes benefits for different industries including SaaS, insurance, and financial services, Claims to have helped leading customer support teams increase customer satisfaction, lower average handle time, and effectively address user needs, Includes a section for users to calculate potential savings based on various support metrics
Positive Points
Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Domain is new

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  Whois data is hidden