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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website seems to be a scam. The domain age of 20 years and 8 months might initially suggest credibility, but the content provided, specifically the error message, is a strong indicator of a potential scam. The error message “/home1/fragra/public_html/lib/myclass.php 69″ is not a typical message for a legitimate website. It appears to be a server-side error related to a specific file path and line number, which is not something that should be visible to a regular website visitor. This kind of error message is more commonly seen by developers or website administrators, and its presence on the public-facing website is unusual and unprofessional. It could be an attempt to appear technical or to create a sense of urgency or concern, both of which are common tactics used by scam websites. Additionally, the fact that the domain whois information is hidden can be another red flag. Legitimate websites typically have transparent whois information, as it is a standard practice for domain owners to provide accurate and accessible contact details. The use of Let’s Encrypt for SSL is not inherently suspicious, as Let’s Encrypt is a legitimate and widely used certificate authority. However, scammers can also obtain SSL certificates, so it is not a definitive indicator of legitimacy. The lack of information from Tranco and the long archive age from the Wayback Machine are neutral factors in this assessment. The server information provided is standard and does not raise any immediate concerns. Overall, the error message and hidden whois information are the most significant red flags for It is advisable to exercise caution and further investigate the website before engaging with it, especially for any financial transactions or sharing personal information.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unusual error message, Hidden domain whois information, Use of Let's Encrypt for SSL, Lack of information from Tranco, Long archive age from the Wayback Machine, Standard server information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden