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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content provided is a typical example of a scam website. Here are the reasons:

1. Unrealistic Discounts: Offering discounts of up to 63% on luxury items is highly unusual and often a red flag for scam websites. Genuine luxury brands rarely offer such steep discounts.

2. Lack of Detailed Product Information: The product descriptions are generic and lack specific details about the items, which is common in scam websites.

3. Overwhelmingly Positive Reviews: The reviews are overwhelmingly positive and often use similar language, which is a common tactic in fake websites to create a false sense of trust.

4. Inconsistent Dates: Some reviews are dated in the future (e.g., "January 11th, 2024"), which is a clear sign of fabricated or manipulated content.

5. No Social Media Presence: Legitimate businesses, especially those selling luxury items, usually have a strong presence on social media platforms. The absence of this is suspicious.

6. Lack of Contact Information: While there is an address and phone number provided, scam websites often use fake or unverifiable contact details.

7. Unprofessional Website Design: The website design and layout appear unprofessional, with generic stock images and a lack of unique branding.

8. Payment Security Concerns: It's important to check if the website uses secure payment methods and has a valid SSL certificate. However, this alone is not enough to guarantee legitimacy.

9. High Volume of Positive Reviews: A high volume of extremely positive reviews, especially within a short period, is often a sign of fake reviews or review manipulation.

10. Lack of Brand Information: There is no clear information about the brands being sold, their origins, or their authenticity, which is crucial for luxury items.

11. Unrealistic Shipping Claims: Claims of extremely fast shipping, especially for international orders, are often unrealistic for luxury items.

12. No Information on Returns or Refunds: Legitimate e-commerce websites usually have clear policies on returns and refunds, which are often missing or vague on scam websites.

It's important to be extremely cautious when dealing with websites that exhibit these red flags. Conducting further research, checking for independent reviews outside of the website, and verifying the authenticity of the products and the company are essential steps before making any purchases."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Discounts, Lack of Detailed Product Information, Overwhelmingly Positive Reviews, Inconsistent Dates, No Social Media Presence, Lack of Contact Information, Unprofessional Website Design, Payment Security Concerns, High Volume of Positive Reviews, Lack of Brand Information, Unrealistic Shipping Claims, No Information on Returns or Refunds
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new