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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content on the website is highly inappropriate and offensive. It promotes casual sex in a crude and disrespectful manner, objectifying women and reducing them to mere sexual objects. The language used is vulgar and degrading, and the overall tone is disrespectful and demeaning.

The website's content is not only offensive but also potentially harmful. It promotes a casual attitude towards sex, which can contribute to a range of negative consequences, including the objectification of individuals, the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the reinforcement of harmful gender stereotypes.

Furthermore, the website's focus on "fucking" and "getting brains fucked out" is not only explicit but also lacks any form of consent or respect for the individuals involved. It perpetuates a culture of sexual entitlement and disregards the importance of mutual consent and respect in sexual interactions.

In a broader context, the website's content contributes to the normalization of disrespectful and harmful attitudes towards sex and relationships. It fails to acknowledge the importance of consent, communication, and mutual respect in sexual encounters.

It's important to recognize that the content on is not only offensive but also potentially damaging. It's crucial to promote a culture of respect, consent, and healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships, and websites like this undermine those efforts.

In summary, the content on is highly inappropriate, offensive, and promotes harmful attitudes towards sex and relationships. It should be approached with caution, and it's important to prioritize respectful and consensual interactions in all aspects of life, including online content and discussions about sex."

the reasons behind this review :
Highly inappropriate and offensive content, Promotes casual sex in a crude and disrespectful manner, Objectifies women and reduces them to mere sexual objects, Vulgar and degrading language, Disrespectful and demeaning tone, Potential to contribute to negative consequences such as objectification, spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reinforcement of harmful gender stereotypes, Lack of emphasis on consent and respect in sexual interactions, Perpetuates a culture of sexual entitlement, Normalizes disrespectful and harmful attitudes towards sex and relationships, Fails to acknowledge the importance of consent, communication, and mutual respect in sexual encounters, Undermines efforts to promote a culture of respect, consent, and healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new