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Why is the trust score of high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in furniture for home and office. The site offers a variety of furniture items, including bookshelves, coffee tables, TV stands, and side tables. The products are described with detailed specifications and high-quality images, which is a positive sign for an e-commerce website.

The domain age of is relatively young, at 1 year and 10 days. While a newer domain can sometimes be associated with higher risk, it’s not necessarily an indication of fraudulent activity. Many legitimate businesses start with new domains.

The SSL certificate used by the website is issued by Let’s Encrypt, a well-known and trusted certificate authority. This means that the site’s connection is encrypted, which is essential for secure online transactions.

The website’s server information indicates that it is hosted on a server in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and is using Cloudflare services. Cloudflare is a reputable content delivery network and security company.

The content of the website, as described in the provided information, seems to be focused on promoting and selling furniture products. The product descriptions are specific and include dimensions and features, which is typical for an e-commerce site.

The website’s use of a .com domain is also a positive sign, as .com domains are widely used for commercial and business purposes.

The fact that the website has been archived by the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web, is another positive indicator. It suggests that the website has a history of being publicly accessible and has been indexed by web archiving services.

Overall, based on the information provided, appears to be a legitimate online store specializing in furniture. However, as with any online purchase, it’s always advisable to exercise caution, especially if it’s your first time buying from a particular website. Here are some general tips for safe online shopping:

– Check for secure connections: Look for “https” in the website’s URL and a padlock icon in the address bar, indicating that the connection is secure.
– Research the website: Look for reviews and ratings from other customers to gauge the site’s reputation.
– Use secure payment methods: Whenever possible, use a credit card or a secure payment platform like PayPal for online transactions.
– Be cautious with personal information: Avoid providing unnecessary personal information, especially if it’s not relevant to your purchase.
– Check the website’s policies: Look for information on returns, refunds, and customer support to ensure you have recourse if there are any issues with your purchase.

By following these tips and using your best judgment, you can help ensure a safe and positive online shopping experience.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate online store, Specializing in furniture for home and office, Detailed product descriptions and images, Relatively young domain age, SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, Reputable server hosting and location, Use of .com domain, Archived by the Wayback Machine, Tips for safe online shopping provided
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new

  Archive is new