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Why is the trust score of low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website “” appears to be a legitimate online store for handcrafted premium soy candles. The website provides information about their refund/returns policies, which is a good sign of transparency and customer service. They state that if the product is damaged or defective, they will either replace it or provide a refund. If a customer is unhappy with any of their products, they can email the company to initiate the return process. It’s mentioned that if a customer simply changes their mind, they will need to cover the return shipping costs, but the company will still provide a refund for the product. However, it’s important to note that candles that have been lit or melted are not eligible for a refund, which is a common policy for many candle retailers due to the nature of the product. This policy is reasonable and aligns with industry standards. Overall, the information provided on the website is clear and straightforward, which is a positive indicator for a legitimate business. It’s always a good practice to review customer feedback and ratings if available, to get a sense of the overall customer satisfaction with the products and services offered by “Flaming Candles by Ben.” Additionally, when making online purchases, it’s important to use secure payment methods and ensure that the website has a valid SSL certificate to protect your personal and financial information. As always, exercise caution when providing sensitive information online and be mindful of potential phishing attempts or fraudulent websites that may attempt to mimic legitimate businesses.”

the reasons behind this review :
Clear and transparent refund/returns policies, Reasonable conditions for refunds, Industry-standard policy for used candles, Encourages communication for customer satisfaction, No major red flags in the provided content, Positive indicator for a legitimate business, Secure payment methods and SSL certificate are recommended, Exercise caution with sensitive information online, Check for customer feedback and ratings if available
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden