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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content provided seems to be a mix of marketing jargon and generic statements, which is a common tactic used by scam websites to appear legitimate. The use of terms like "revolutionizing marketing," "sophisticated marketing made easy," and "intimidatingly good marketing" without clear explanations or evidence can be a red flag.

The website's claim of being "re-launched in 2019" and having "400+ scaled enterprise customers" is suspicious, especially for a site that is only 2 months and 12 days old. It's highly unlikely for a new company to have such a large and established customer base in a short period.

The mention of "advanced artificial intelligence (AI)" and "trillion of consumer signals" without specific details or case studies to support these claims is another common tactic used by scam websites to appear cutting-edge.

The statement "our smart analytics tools provide valuable insights into your online marketing strategies" is vague and lacks specific information about the tools or how they provide value.

The website's use of "join us" and "get started" buttons without clear information on what it means to join or start with the company is a tactic used by scam websites to lure visitors into providing personal information or signing up for dubious services.

The mention of "125k downloads," "87k users," and "4.8 rating" without specifying the source or platform for these statistics is vague and could be easily fabricated.

The claim that their platform provides "lucrative part-time income" without clear details on how this is achieved or any evidence of successful users is a common tactic used by scam websites to attract individuals looking for easy ways to make money.

The website's footer with the copyright date of 2024 seems unusual for a site that is only 2 months and 12 days old. It's possible that the copyright date is automatically generated and not manually updated, but it's still a red flag.

The lack of specific, verifiable information about the company's team, location, and real-world presence is a common tactic used by scam websites to avoid accountability.

The website's use of generic stock images and lack of real, verifiable customer testimonials or case studies is another red flag. Scam websites often use stock images and fake testimonials to appear credible.

The website's emphasis on "b2b marketing" and "merchant marketing" as a source of "extra income" without clear details on how this works or any verifiable success stories is a common tactic used by scam websites to attract individuals looking for business opportunities.

The website's use of "learn more," "join us," and "get started" buttons without clear information on what it means to join or start with the company is a tactic used by scam websites to lure visitors into providing personal information or signing up for dubious services.

The website's use of a free SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt is not necessarily a sign of legitimacy. While SSL is important for secure data transmission, it's easy for any website, including scam sites, to obtain a free SSL certificate.

The website's server location in Phoenix, Arizona, is not necessarily a red flag on its own, but combined with the other suspicious elements, it adds to the overall picture of potential scam.

In summary, based on the provided content and the context of a relatively new website, the use of common tactics seen in scam websites, such as vague and exaggerated claims, lack of verifiable details, and generic marketing language, it's advisable to approach this website with caution and conduct further research or verification before engaging with any of its services or providing personal information."

the reasons behind this review :
Vague and exaggerated claims, Lack of verifiable details, Generic marketing language, Suspicious customer statistics, Unsubstantiated income claims, Unusual copyright date, Lack of specific team and location information, Use of generic stock images, Emphasis on b2b marketing for extra income, Use of generic call-to-action buttons, Use of a free SSL certificate, Server location in Phoenix, Arizona
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new