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Why is the trust score of very high?

The website appears to be a file-sharing platform that focuses on providing Persian-language content. The site’s primary language is Persian, and it offers a wide range of downloadable files, including software, games, and multimedia content.

The website’s design is relatively simple and straightforward. Users can navigate through different categories of content, such as software, games, movies, and music. Each category contains a list of available files, and users can click on the titles to access more details and download links.

It’s important to note that file-sharing platforms can sometimes host copyrighted material, and users should exercise caution and ensure that they have the right to download and use the files available on such sites. Additionally, users should be mindful of potential security risks when downloading files from the internet, as malicious software can be disguised as legitimate content.

Overall, seems to be a platform for sharing and accessing various types of digital content, particularly for Persian-speaking users. As with any file-sharing website, users should be vigilant and use the site responsibly to avoid legal and security issues.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website appears to be a file-sharing platform that focuses on providing Persian-language content. The site's primary language is Persian, and it offers a wide range of downloadable files, including software, games, and multimedia content.

The website's design is relatively simple and straightforward. Users can navigate through different categories of content, such as software, games, movies, and music. Each category contains a list of available files, and users can click on the titles to access more details and download links.

It's important to note that file-sharing platforms can sometimes host copyrighted material, and users should exercise caution and ensure that they have the right to download and use the files available on such sites. Additionally, users should be mindful of potential security risks when downloading files from the internet, as malicious software can be disguised as legitimate content.

Overall, seems to be a platform for sharing and accessing various types of digital content, particularly for Persian-speaking users. As with any file-sharing website, users should be vigilant and use the site responsibly to avoid legal and security issues.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Website content is not accessible

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
