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Why is the trust score of very low?

The content provided is a mix of personal narrative, motivational language, and promises of financial success through online business. It’s important to approach such content with caution and skepticism. Here are some reasons for concern:

1. **Overly Positive and Unrealistic Claims:** The text contains several claims of financial success, such as “más de 1 millón de dólares facturados” (more than 1 million dollars billed) and “más de 10 mil personas capacitadas por mí” (more than 10,000 people trained by me). Such claims, especially when presented without verifiable evidence, can be a red flag.

2. **Emotional Manipulation:** The use of emotional language and personal anecdotes, such as “el sentimiento que sientes, yo también lo sentí” (the feeling you have, I felt it too), can be a tactic to create a strong emotional connection and influence the reader’s decision-making.

3. **Vague Details:** While there are references to a “programa” (program) and “formación educativa” (educational training), the specific details about these offerings, their structure, and how they lead to financial success are not clearly explained.

4. **Promises of Easy Success:** The statement “no puedo prometer que será fácil, pero prometo que será más simple de lo que piensas” (I can’t promise it will be easy, but I promise it will be simpler than you think) can be interpreted as a promise of relatively easy success, which is often unrealistic in the context of online business.

5. **Disclaimers and Legal Language:** The inclusion of disclaimers about the results of other students not being guaranteed and the program not being designed for overnight wealth can be a legal requirement, but they also serve to manage expectations and potential legal liability.

6. **Association with Facebook:** The disclaimers regarding Facebook and the use of the term “facebook tm” (Facebook trademark) can be an attempt to distance the content from any official association with Facebook, possibly to avoid legal issues.

7. **Lack of Verifiable Information:** The absence of verifiable details, such as specific case studies, verifiable testimonials, or independent reviews, can make it difficult to assess the credibility of the claims.

8. **Focus on Personal Branding:** The content heavily focuses on the personal brand and success story of the individual behind the website, which can be a common tactic in online marketing but may not necessarily reflect the quality or effectiveness of the actual offerings.

9. **Financial and Lifestyle Promises:** The emphasis on financial success and lifestyle improvement, without a clear and detailed explanation of the methods and processes involved, can be a common feature of potentially misleading or exaggerated marketing.

10. **Responsibility Shifting:** The statement “aún así, la responsabilidad de conseguir estos clientes y / o ventas online similares a casos expuestos en esta página, es tuya” (even so, the responsibility for obtaining these clients and/or online sales similar to the cases shown on this page is yours) can be a way to shift responsibility onto the reader, even after making bold promises.

It’s important to approach such content with critical thinking and consider seeking independent, objective information and advice before making any financial commitments or decisions based on the claims presented.”

the reasons behind this review :
Overly Positive and Unrealistic Claims, Emotional Manipulation, Vague Details, Promises of Easy Success, Disclaimers and Legal Language, Association with Facebook, Lack of Verifiable Information, Focus on Personal Branding, Financial and Lifestyle Promises, Responsibility Shifting
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

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Total 0 reviews

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