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Why is the trust score of high?

The website is a safe and legitimate platform for indie game developers to publish and distribute their games. has a good reputation in the gaming community and is known for its support of independent creators. The content on the website is related to a visual novel game called ‘the kid at the back (demo)’ by the developer ‘fantasia_kitt’. The game is described as having a demo version available for download, with plans for a full release in the future. The developer provides details about the game’s features, characters, and potential release dates. allows developers to offer their games for free or for a price set by the developer. In this case, the game is available for download at a ‘name your own price’ model, which means users can choose to download it for free or contribute financially to support the developer. The game also has an optional NSFW (Not Safe For Work) version, which is likely to contain mature content. The developer mentions that the NSFW version is behind a paywall, and users can gain access to it by paying a recommended amount. The developer also addresses questions about the availability of the game on mobile platforms and in different languages. Overall, the content on the website appears to be related to a legitimate indie game project, and the platform itself,, is a well-established and reputable site for indie game distribution.”

the reasons behind this review :
Reputable platform for indie game distribution, Developer provides detailed information about the game, Including features, characters, and potential release dates, Game available for download at a 'name your own price' model, with optional financial support for the developer, Mention of an NSFW (Not Safe For Work) version behind a paywall, Addressing questions about the game's availability on mobile platforms and in different languages, Positive user comments and engagement with the developer, No reports or indications of fraudulent or malicious activity related to the game or the developer, No significant negative reviews or warnings about the game or the developer, No known history of scams or controversies related to the game or the developer, No suspicious or misleading claims about the game or its features
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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