How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content is a mix of generic charity-related phrases and keywords, which is a common tactic used by scam websites to attract visitors and appear legitimate. The lack of specific, detailed information about the organization, its projects, and its impact is a red flag. Legitimate charities typically provide transparent and detailed information about their work, including specific examples of how donations are used and the impact they have.

The website’s use of emotional language and broad, sweeping statements about the impact of donations is another common tactic used by scam websites. Legitimate charities are more likely to provide specific, evidence-based information about their work and the impact of donations.

The website’s focus on volunteering and donations without clear information about how these activities are managed and overseen is concerning. Legitimate charities have clear processes for volunteer recruitment and management, as well as transparent financial oversight for donations.

The website’s use of generic stock images and lack of specific, original content is another red flag. Legitimate charities typically use authentic images and provide original, detailed content about their work.

The website’s emphasis on donating and volunteering without providing information about other forms of support, such as advocacy or policy work, is unusual. Legitimate charities often engage in a range of activities to address the root causes of social issues.

The website’s use of a generic email address ( for contact is not typical of legitimate charities, which usually have professional, organization-specific email addresses.

The website’s claim of 35+ years of foundation, 68+ monthly donations, and 8k+ global partners without specific details or evidence to support these claims is highly suspicious. Legitimate charities are transparent about their history, financials, and partnerships.

The website’s use of vague, grandiose language about “transforming lives” and “changing the world” without specific, verifiable examples of their impact is a common tactic used by scam websites.

The website’s lack of verifiable, independent reviews or testimonials from beneficiaries, volunteers, or other stakeholders is a red flag. Legitimate charities often have a track record of public feedback and reviews.

The website’s use of a “test mode” for donations, which states that no live donations are processed, is unusual and could be a tactic to create a false sense of urgency or need.

The website’s use of a “donor wall” without specific, verifiable information about donors and their contributions is another red flag. Legitimate charities typically have transparent, publicly available records of donors and donations.

The website’s use of a “gallery” without specific, verifiable information about their projects, beneficiaries, and impact is concerning. Legitimate charities often provide detailed, evidence-based information about their work.

The website’s use of a generic, non-specific address (575 Main Street, D-Block, 2nd Floor, South Africa) without specific location details or a verifiable physical presence is a red flag. Legitimate charities typically provide clear, specific information about their headquarters and field offices.

The website’s use of a generic, non-specific phone number (+98 060 712 34) without a verifiable connection to the organization is another red flag. Legitimate charities typically have professional, organization-specific phone numbers.

The website’s use of a generic, non-specific copyright notice without specific, verifiable information about the organization’s legal status and registration is concerning. Legitimate charities typically provide transparent, detailed information about their legal status and registration.

The website’s use of a “send us a message” form without clear, specific information about how messages are received, processed, and responded to is a red flag. Legitimate charities typically have transparent, reliable communication channels.

The website’s use of a “give a gift for people’s” section without specific, verifiable information about how gifts are used and the impact they have is concerning. Legitimate charities are transparent about the use of gifts and their impact.

Overall, the website exhibits several common characteristics and tactics used by scam websites, including vague, emotional language; a focus on donations and volunteering without clear oversight; lack of specific, verifiable information about their work and impact; and use of generic, non-specific contact details. It’s important to approach this website with caution and conduct further research and verification before considering any form of engagement or donation.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic, emotional language; Lack of specific, detailed information about the organization's work and impact; Focus on donations and volunteering without clear oversight; Use of generic stock images and lack of original content; Emphasis on donating and volunteering without information about other forms of support; Use of a generic email address for contact; Unsubstantiated claims about the organization's history, donations, and partners; Vague, grandiose language about "transforming lives" and "changing the world"; Lack of verifiable, independent reviews or testimonials; Use of a "test mode" for donations; Lack of verifiable information about donors and their contributions; Use of a "gallery" without specific, verifiable information about projects and impact; Use of a generic, non-specific address without specific location details; Use of a generic, non-specific phone number; Use of a generic, non-specific copyright notice; Use of a "send us a message" form without clear information about communication channels; Use of a "give a gift for people's" section without specific, verifiable information about gift usage and impact.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden