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How much trust do people have in facecoke.com?


Total 1 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of facecoke.com Scam?

The content provided is a mix of congratulatory messages for account upgrades, financial transactions, and a message from a company director. However, there are several red flags that suggest this could be a scam:

1. **Repetitive Content**: The website content is highly repetitive, with the same congratulatory messages and financial transaction details repeated multiple times. This is a common tactic in scam websites to fill space with content that appears legitimate but is ultimately meaningless.

2. **Unusual Financial Transactions**: The list of financial transactions, including specific amounts in different currencies, seems out of place on a website that appears to be related to a company like Coca-Cola. It's not clear why this information would be presented in this context.

3. **Unsolicited Grant Offer**: The message from the company director about a social grant of 2 million US dollars for employees is highly unusual. It's rare for companies to make such large grants without a clear and formal process, and it's even more suspicious when it's presented in a casual, unsolicited manner.

4. **Invitation for Additional Participation**: The message encourages employees to actively participate in the grant process, which can be a tactic used in pyramid schemes or fraudulent schemes to involve more people and create a sense of urgency.

5. **Vague and Unprofessional Language**: The language used in the message, including phrases like 'heure coke' and 'lire', seems unprofessional and inconsistent with official communications from a large company like Coca-Cola.

6. **Inconsistent Formatting**: The formatting of the content is inconsistent, with varying font sizes and styles, which is not typical of official communications from a reputable company.

7. **Highly Personalized Content**: The content is highly personalized, with specific account numbers and congratulatory messages. This level of personalization is unusual for a public website and could be an attempt to make the content appear more legitimate.

8. **Urgency and Limited Timeframe**: The message about the grant specifies a limited timeframe for participation (from April 29 to May 5), creating a sense of urgency that is often used in scams to pressure people into making hasty decisions.

9. **Unverified Claims**: The claims about the grant and the financial transactions are not backed up with any verifiable evidence or official documentation, which is a common tactic in scams.

10. **Unusual Reward Structure**: The reward structure for inviting others to join and rent beverage machines, with specific monetary rewards and levels, is atypical for a company like Coca-Cola and seems more aligned with multi-level marketing schemes.

Given these red flags, it's advisable to approach this website with caution and not to engage in any financial transactions or personal information sharing based on the content provided."

the reasons behind this review :
Repetitive Content, Unusual Financial Transactions, Unsolicited Grant Offer, Invitation for Additional Participation, Vague and Unprofessional Language, Inconsistent Formatting, Highly Personalized Content, Urgency and Limited Timeframe, Unverified Claims, Unusual Reward Structure
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  negative reviews are more than Positive reviews

  We recieved multiple scam report for this site.

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.