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Cyanide & Happiness (C&H) is a webcomic created by Kris Wilson, Rob DenBleyker, Dave McElfatrick, and Matt Melvin. The comic is known for its dark humor, stick figure art style, and often controversial or taboo subject matter. It has gained a large following online and has expanded into various other media, including animated shorts, a card game, and a successful Kickstarter campaign for a point-and-click adventure game.

The webcomic’s content is not suitable for all audiences, as it frequently features mature themes, strong language, and graphic or violent imagery. It’s important for readers to be aware of this and approach the content with appropriate discretion.

Cyanide & Happiness has also faced some controversies over the years, particularly related to its more provocative or offensive content. This has led to discussions about the boundaries of humor and free speech, as well as criticism from those who find the material offensive or inappropriate.

Overall, Cyanide & Happiness is a well-established and influential webcomic with a dedicated fanbase, but its content is not universally appealing or appropriate for all audiences. It’s important for readers to consider their own sensibilities and preferences before engaging with the comic’s material.”

the reasons behind this review :
Established webcomic with a large following, Known for dark humor and controversial subject matter, Expanded into various other media, Not suitable for all audiences due to mature themes and graphic content, Has faced controversies over its content, Discussions about humor, free speech, and offensiveness, Criticism from those who find the material inappropriate, Dedicated fanbase but not universally appealing
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden