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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and investment plans presented by Expectmatrix exhibit several red flags commonly associated with fraudulent investment schemes:

Unrealistic Returns: The promised returns of 4.5% to 9.5% daily or 5% to 7.5% weekly are extremely high and not sustainable in legitimate investment markets. Such high returns are often used as bait in Ponzi schemes to attract new investors.

Guaranteed Returns: The assurance of fixed returns, especially at such high rates, is a classic characteristic of investment scams. In legitimate financial markets, returns are never guaranteed and are subject to market fluctuations.

Lack of Risk Disclosure: Legitimate investment platforms always emphasize the inherent risks of investing, especially in volatile markets like cryptocurrencies and forex. The absence of detailed risk disclosures is a major concern.

Vague Investment Strategies: The website provides minimal information about the specific investment strategies and how the promised returns are generated. This lack of transparency is a common tactic in fraudulent schemes.

Complex Investment Plans: The tiered investment plans with varying rates and minimum investment amounts are designed to entice investors to deposit more money, a characteristic of Ponzi schemes.

Pressure to Invest: Urging potential investors to "start now" and emphasizing limited-time offers are tactics used to create a sense of urgency and push people into making hasty investment decisions.

Fake Testimonials: Testimonials from supposed clients are often fabricated in fraudulent schemes to create a false sense of trust. It's important to verify the authenticity of such endorsements.

Regulatory Claims: The website's claim of being a regulated company in Australia with an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) and authorization from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) should be independently verified. Scammers often make false regulatory claims to appear legitimate.

Lack of Detailed Company Information: Legitimate investment platforms provide comprehensive information about their company, team, and operational details. The website's limited information about its background and team is a red flag.

Unprofessional Website Design: The website's design and language, including grammatical errors and inconsistencies, are often indicative of unprofessional and potentially fraudulent operations.

Given these red flags, it is highly advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough due diligence before considering any investment with Expectmatrix or similar platforms. It's crucial to consult with a qualified financial advisor and verify the legitimacy of the company's claims and operations before making any financial commitments."

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Returns, Guaranteed Returns, Lack of Risk Disclosure, Vague Investment Strategies, Complex Investment Plans, Pressure to Invest, Fake Testimonials, Regulatory Claims, Lack of Detailed Company Information, Unprofessional Website Design
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden