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Why is the trust score of high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Exoscale is a European cloud computing provider that offers a range of cloud services, including cloud hosting, object storage, block storage, Kubernetes, and more. The company is known for its focus on data security, GDPR compliance, and data privacy laws, particularly in the context of its Swiss, Austrian, and German data centers. Exoscale’s services are designed to be flexible, scalable, and suitable for a variety of workloads, from small clusters to big data nodes. The platform emphasizes simplicity and intuitive interfaces, making it accessible for teams of any size. Exoscale’s pricing model is based on a pay-per-use system, with hourly pricing that is prorated to the second, and it offers free internal traffic between instances and a monthly free outbound data allowance per instance. The company is trusted by engineers across Europe and has a focus on helping customers run and scale production workloads as cloud-native applications. Exoscale is a member of A1 Digital, a provider of digitalization solutions for businesses. The company’s infrastructure is designed to be secure, with features such as security groups for managing firewall rules, network load balancers, and support for IPv6. Exoscale also offers a content delivery network (CDN) for efficient delivery of assets and consistent and predictable pricing across regions. The platform is designed to be cluster-friendly, and it supports the use of anti-affinity groups and the ability to spawn virtual servers in different data centers to ensure high availability. Exoscale’s services are backed by certifications for ISO27001, Cloud Security Alliance, and ISO27018, which can help with cloud provider due diligence. The company also offers a range of resources, including documentation, an API, and open-source tools, to support users in getting the most out of its services. Exoscale’s blog provides technical articles and guides, such as a detailed guide on migrating a virtual instance from VMware vSphere to Exoscale. This guide covers the step-by-step process for migrating an existing VMware vSphere instance, including tasks such as copying the VMDK disk image to an Ubuntu instance, converting it to the required qcow2 format, registering a custom template on Exoscale, and deploying the new instance. The guide emphasizes the importance of addressing prerequisites, such as adjusting the system configuration and obtaining essential credentials and disk images, to ensure a seamless transition without compromising data integrity and system functionality. It also includes optional steps, such as installing cloud-init for enhanced instance management. Overall, the guide aims to provide a comprehensive resource for users looking to migrate their VMware vSphere instances to Exoscale, highlighting the flexibility and scalability of Exoscale’s cloud infrastructure and the benefits it can offer for users’ virtualized environments.”

the reasons behind this review :
European cloud computing provider, Range of cloud services, Focus on data security, GDPR compliance, and data privacy laws, Swiss, Austrian, and German data centers, Flexible and scalable services, Suitable for a variety of workloads, Emphasis on simplicity and intuitive interfaces, Pay-per-use pricing model, Free internal traffic between instances, Monthly free outbound data allowance per instance, Trusted by engineers across Europe, Focus on helping customers run and scale production workloads as cloud-native applications, Member of A1 Digital, Secure infrastructure with features such as security groups and network load balancers, Content delivery network (CDN) for efficient asset delivery, Cluster-friendly platform, Certifications for ISO27001, Cloud Security Alliance, and ISO27018, Range of resources including documentation, API, and open-source tools, Technical articles and guides on the company's blog, Detailed guide on migrating a virtual instance from VMware vSphere to Exoscale, Step-by-step process for migration, Addressing prerequisites for a seamless transition, Optional steps for enhanced instance management, Comprehensive resource for users looking to migrate to Exoscale, Highlighting the flexibility and scalability of Exoscale's cloud infrastructure, Benefits for users' virtualized environments
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  High review rate by AI

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

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