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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Exa Networks is a UK-based internet service provider (ISP) that focuses on providing internet services for education and businesses. The company has been in operation for over 20 years and has won multiple awards for its services. Exa Networks offers a range of services, including connectivity, e-safeguarding, and security solutions for schools, multi-academy trusts (MATs), and businesses. The company’s Protect & Connect® package is designed to enhance learning and ensure online safety for students, while also providing reliable and secure internet services for businesses. Exa Networks has a strong focus on the education sector, with a commitment to providing safe and reliable internet services for schools. The company’s SurfProtect platform is specifically designed to create a safe online learning environment for students. Exa Networks has received positive feedback from customers, including schools and multi-academy trusts, for its reliable and well-rounded IT provision. The company’s commitment to customer service and support is highlighted in testimonials from its partners and clients. Exa Networks also provides a Knowledge Hub, which offers a comprehensive bank of information on topics related to internet services, connectivity, networking, security, and content filtering. The articles in the Knowledge Hub cover a wide range of relevant and current topics, providing valuable resources for making informed decisions about internet services. In addition to its focus on education, Exa Networks also offers secure and reliable internet services for businesses, with a strong emphasis on protecting against cyber attacks and improving productivity. The company’s Protect & Connect® package for businesses aims to reduce internet downtime and enhance security. Exa Networks has a national reach and provides services to a wide range of organizations, including schools, multi-academy trusts, and businesses. The company’s commitment to providing secure and reliable internet services, along with its focus on customer support and education, positions it as a trusted and reputable ISP in the UK. Exa Networks’ long history in the industry, its track record of awards and recognition, and the positive feedback from its partners and clients all contribute to its reputation as a safe and reliable provider of internet services for education and business.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long-standing presence in the industry, Multiple awards for its services, Focus on providing internet services for education and businesses, Commitment to creating a safe online learning environment for students, SurfProtect platform for online safety in schools, Positive feedback from customers, including schools and multi-academy trusts, Strong emphasis on customer service and support, Knowledge Hub with comprehensive information on internet services, connectivity, and security, Range of services for businesses, including secure and reliable internet services, National reach and services provided to a wide range of organizations, Commitment to providing secure and reliable internet services, Focus on customer support and education, Positive reputation in the industry.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden