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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is a mix of English and Chinese, which is unusual for a professional travel agency. The English content has several grammatical errors, which is uncharacteristic of a legitimate business website. The testimonials are generic and lack specific details, which is a common tactic in fake websites. The website claims to have been in operation for over 10 years, but the domain was registered only 7 months and 28 days ago, which is a clear inconsistency. The address provided is in Shenzhen, China, but the website claims to offer tours in various countries, which is suspicious. The website’s design is basic and lacks professional polish, which is not typical of established travel agencies. The website’s domain name is “,” which is quite long and not very professional. Legitimate travel agencies often have shorter, more memorable domain names. The website’s “Contact Us” page only provides an email address and a phone number, without any physical address or other contact details, which is a red flag. The website’s “About Us” page is very brief and lacks specific information about the company’s history, team, or credentials, which is unusual for a legitimate travel agency. The website’s “Privacy Policy” and “Terms of Use” pages are generic and may not provide adequate protection for users’ personal information, which is a concern for a business handling travel bookings. The website’s “Subscribe and get 5% off on your first tour!” offer is a common tactic used by scam websites to lure in potential victims. The website’s use of the “.com” top-level domain (TLD) is not typical for a travel agency based in China, which is another inconsistency. The website’s copyright notice claims that it is “copyright © 2025,” which is unusual for a website created in 2021. The website’s use of the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate is not inherently suspicious, as Let’s Encrypt is a legitimate certificate authority. However, it is worth noting that scammers can also obtain SSL certificates, so the presence of an SSL certificate does not guarantee the legitimacy of a website. The website’s server information is not readily available, which makes it difficult to assess the technical infrastructure and security measures in place. Overall, based on the various red flags and inconsistencies, there is a high likelihood that this website is a scam.”

the reasons behind this review :
Mix of English and Chinese content, Grammatical errors in English content, Generic and vague testimonials, Inconsistency in claimed years of operation and domain registration date, Address in China but claims to offer tours in various countries, Basic and unprofessional website design, Long and unprofessional domain name, Lack of detailed contact information, Brief and vague "About Us" page, Generic and potentially inadequate privacy policy and terms of use, Use of common tactic to lure in potential victims with discount offer, Unusual use of ".com" TLD for a China-based business, Unusual copyright claim for the year 2025, Use of Let's Encrypt SSL certificate (not inherently suspicious but worth noting), Lack of readily available server information.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

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