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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be a landing page indicating that the domain may be for sale. Here are some reasons why this website might be considered suspicious:

1. Lack of Detailed Information: The website provides very limited information about the domain and its ownership. This lack of transparency can be a red flag.

2. Generic Contact Information: The only contact information provided is a toll-free number and an international number. Legitimate websites typically provide more detailed contact information, including an address and email.

3. Copyright Date: The copyright date is listed as 2024, which may be an attempt to make the site appear more current than it actually is. This could be a tactic used by fraudulent websites.

4. Use of GoDaddy Branding: While GoDaddy is a legitimate domain registrar, the use of its branding on this site does not guarantee the site’s legitimacy. Scammers can use well-known brands to appear more trustworthy.

5. Limited Security Information: The SSL certificate is from Let’s Encrypt, which is a legitimate certificate authority. However, the lack of more detailed security information can be a concern.

6. Short Domain Age: The domain has been registered for 7 years and 4 months, which is not necessarily a red flag on its own. However, when combined with other factors, it can contribute to suspicions about the site’s legitimacy.

7. No Wayback Machine Data: The lack of historical data on the Wayback Machine can make it difficult to verify the site’s history and previous content.

Based on these factors, it’s important to approach this website with caution. If you are considering purchasing the domain, it’s advisable to conduct thorough research and potentially use a trusted domain broker to ensure a safe and legitimate transaction.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Generic Contact Information, Copyright Date, Use of GoDaddy Branding, Limited Security Information, Short Domain Age, No Wayback Machine Data
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden