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Why is the trust score of low? appears to be a website for a service that allows users to create a virtual space dedicated to loved ones, where their memories can be easily accessed and shared. The service involves placing a unique QR code on a plaque, which can be located on a cross, bench, tree, near a gate, or by the door of an apartment. This QR code can be scanned with a smartphone to access a personalized interactive page dedicated to the departed individual, containing photos, videos, and personal stories. The website also provides information on how to order a personalized memorial plaque with a QR code, and the process of setting up and using the associated online platform. The service is described as a way to keep the memories of loved ones alive and accessible, transcending the limitations of time and distance. The website also mentions that the service is available for purchase on eMAG, a popular online marketplace, and offers delivery to EasyBox locations. The site provides a step-by-step guide on how to order and use the service, including creating an account, uploading content, and accessing the personalized page. It also highlights features such as 24-hour delivery, secure payments, and live support. The website includes contact information for customer support, as well as links to their social media pages. The site footer indicates that it was created by UEBSAIT.RO and provides copyright information. The website content is focused on the emotional and practical aspects of the service, emphasizing its ability to preserve and share memories in a meaningful and accessible way. It aims to address the universal human experience of loss and remembrance, offering a modern and technological solution to honor and cherish the lives of departed loved ones. The service’s emphasis on creating a lasting digital legacy and facilitating ongoing connections with the memories of the departed aligns with broader trends in digital memorialization and the use of technology to commemorate and celebrate life. The website’s clear and detailed information about the service, including the ordering process, usage instructions, and support options, contributes to its credibility and transparency. The inclusion of contact information and links to social media platforms also provides avenues for users to seek further information and engage with the service. Overall, the website presents a service that is designed to meet a specific emotional and practical need, and it appears to be a legitimate and well-structured platform for creating and accessing digital memorials.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website content is focused on the emotional and practical aspects of the service, emphasizing its ability to preserve and share memories in a meaningful and accessible way. It aims to address the universal human experience of loss and remembrance, offering a modern and technological solution to honor and cherish the lives of departed loved ones. The service's emphasis on creating a lasting digital legacy and facilitating ongoing connections with the memories of the departed aligns with broader trends in digital memorialization and the use of technology to commemorate and celebrate life. The website's clear and detailed information about the service, including the ordering process, usage instructions, and support options, contributes to its credibility and transparency. The inclusion of contact information and links to social media platforms also provides avenues for users to seek further information and engage with the service. Overall, the website presents a service that is designed to meet a specific emotional and practical need, and it appears to be a legitimate and well-structured platform for creating and accessing digital memorials.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Positive reviews are more than negative reviews

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 1 reviews

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