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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be a legitimate online platform offering various courses and certifications in fields like digital marketing, blockchain development, graphic design, cyber security, data science, chatGPT, ethical hacking, and machine learning. The site claims to have industry recognition and offers a range of courses and certification bundles. It also mentions a few testimonials from supposed students who have benefited from the platform.

However, there are several aspects to consider:

1. **Pricing**: The pricing for the courses and certifications seems unusually low, especially for the “master certification deals” and “complete package worth” offerings. Such deep discounts and low prices could be a red flag, as legitimate certifications and courses in these fields typically have higher costs.

2. **Repetition of Content**: The repetition of course descriptions and enroll now buttons could be seen as a marketing tactic, but it might also be a sign of a less professional or organized website.

3. **Testimonials**: While the site includes testimonials, it’s important to note that these can be easily fabricated. Without the ability to verify the identities of the individuals providing the testimonials, their authenticity is questionable.

4. **Guarantees**: The site mentions a “100% satisfaction guarantee” and a “100% money-back guarantee.” While these are common in legitimate online learning platforms, they should be scrutinized, especially in the context of the unusually low prices.

5. **Contact Information**: The provided email address and phone number should be checked for legitimacy. Scam websites often use generic or free email services, and the phone number should be verified as well.

6. **Course Quality**: It’s important to research the quality of the courses and certifications offered. Look for independent reviews and ratings from students who have completed the programs.

7. **Instructor Credibility**: The site mentions “world’s leading instructor” without providing specific details. It’s important to verify the credentials and expertise of the instructors.

8. **Copyright Date**: The copyright date at the bottom of the page is listed as “© eskills academy 2023 – 24.” This could be an error, as it’s currently 2022. It’s a small detail, but it’s worth noting.

9. **Terms of Use and Privacy Policy**: It’s essential to review these documents to understand how the platform handles user data, payments, and other important aspects.

10. **Online Presence**: Check for the platform’s presence on reputable review sites, forums, and social media. Legitimate online learning platforms often have a visible and active online presence.

In conclusion, while the website presents itself as an online learning platform with various courses and certifications, there are several red flags that should be carefully considered before making any commitments or payments. It’s crucial to conduct thorough research, verify the legitimacy of the platform, and consider the unusually low pricing and other potential signs of a scam.”

the reasons behind this review :
Pricing, Repetition of Content, Testimonials, Guarantees, Contact Information, Course Quality, Instructor Credibility, Copyright Date, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online Presence
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
