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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The École Normale Supérieure (ENS) is a prestigious higher education institution in France, often considered one of the most selective and academically rigorous. It is a key institution in the French education system, known for its focus on research and for producing numerous Nobel laureates, Fields Medalists, and other distinguished scholars. The ENS has a long and illustrious history, with roots dating back to the French Revolution. It has a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary education and research, and it is associated with the PSL Research University (Paris Sciences et Lettres). The ENS offers a range of programs, including undergraduate and graduate studies, as well as doctoral programs. Its curriculum covers a wide array of disciplines, including the sciences, humanities, and social sciences. The institution is known for its rigorous admissions process, which selects only a small number of highly talented students each year. The ENS has a strong international reputation and attracts students and scholars from around the world. Its alumni network includes many influential figures in academia, politics, and other fields. The ENS is also involved in various research initiatives and collaborations, both within France and internationally. Overall, the ENS is a respected and esteemed institution with a rich history and a commitment to academic excellence and research.”

the reasons behind this review :
Prestigious higher education institution in France, Selective and academically rigorous, Key institution in the French education system, Focus on research, Producing numerous Nobel laureates, Fields Medalists, and other distinguished scholars, Long and illustrious history, Strong emphasis on interdisciplinary education and research, Associated with the PSL Research University (Paris Sciences et Lettres), Offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs, Curriculum covers a wide array of disciplines, Rigorous admissions process, Strong international reputation, Attracts students and scholars from around the world, Influential alumni network, Involved in various research initiatives and collaborations, Commitment to academic excellence and research
Positive Points Negative Points

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  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

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