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Why is the trust score of very high?

eCrater is an online marketplace that has been operating for over 20 years. It allows individuals and businesses to create their own online stores and sell products. The platform is free to use, and sellers can list an unlimited number of items without paying any fees. eCrater makes money through optional advertising services that sellers can choose to promote their products. Buyers can browse a wide range of categories, including antiques, art, automotive, baby products, beauty and fragrances, books, business and industrial items, cameras and photo equipment, cell phones and accessories, clothing and shoes, collectibles, computers and networking devices, crafts, electronics, entertainment memorabilia, flowers and gifts, glass and pottery, health and personal care products, home and garden items, jewelry and watches, movies and DVDs, music, office supplies, sports and outdoors equipment, toys, video games, and more. The platform provides a user-friendly interface for both buyers and sellers, and it offers features such as a bulk lister, USPS shipping calculator, inventory control, store widgets, and Google Analytics integration. eCrater also allows sellers to import their eBay products for free. The website is secure and uses SSL encryption to protect sensitive information. It has a global reach, with users from various countries around the world. eCrater has a strong community of sellers and buyers, and it has received positive reviews for its ease of use and the ability for sellers to customize their online stores. Overall, eCrater is a legitimate and safe platform for buying and selling a wide range of products. However, as with any online marketplace, it’s important for users to exercise caution and use secure payment methods when making transactions. Additionally, sellers should familiarize themselves with eCrater’s policies and guidelines to ensure a positive selling experience.”

the reasons behind this review :
Longevity in the market, Positive user reviews, Secure platform with SSL encryption, Free to use for sellers, Unlimited product listings, Optional advertising services for sellers, Wide range of product categories, User-friendly interface, Features for sellers such as bulk lister and inventory control, Global reach with users from various countries, Strong community of sellers and buyers, Ability for sellers to customize their online stores, Positive feedback on ease of use, Ability for sellers to import eBay products for free, Caution advised for secure payment methods and familiarity with eCrater's policies.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point