How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the promises made are typical of many scam projects in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Here are some red flags:

1. Unrealistic Promises: The website makes grand promises about owning and governing virtual cities and assets, with specific timelines and features. Such ambitious claims, especially with detailed roadmaps extending several years into the future, are often a sign of a scam. Building a fully functional and widely adopted metaverse platform, as described, is an incredibly complex and uncertain endeavor.

2. Token Sale: The emphasis on joining the presale to secure $EMT tokens is a common tactic in crypto scams. It creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, pushing visitors to invest before they have time to conduct proper due diligence.

3. Lack of Technical Details: While the website mentions various technical aspects like blockchain, NFTs, and decentralized governance, it lacks in-depth technical explanations. Legitimate projects usually provide detailed technical whitepapers and documentation.

4. Vague Use Cases: The website talks about creating and selling NFTs of virtual landmarks, earning taxes from land sales, and increasing tax rates as a president. However, it doesn’t provide clear, practical use cases or real-world examples of how these features will work.

5. Unrealistic Roadmap: The detailed roadmap with specific features and milestones up to 2025 is highly ambitious, especially for a project that seems to be in its early stages. It’s rare for legitimate projects to provide such specific long-term plans, as the development of blockchain and metaverse technologies is highly unpredictable.

6. Overemphasis on Profit: The website repeatedly emphasizes the potential for profit, such as earning taxes from land sales and benefiting from the increasing value of virtual cities. While it’s natural for blockchain projects to have economic incentives, an excessive focus on profit can be a red flag.

7. Lack of Transparency: The website doesn’t provide detailed information about the team behind the project, their experience, or their previous work in the blockchain or metaverse space. Legitimate projects usually have transparent and verifiable team information.

8. Unrealistic Timeline: The timeline for the project’s development, including the launch of the platform and various features, seems overly optimistic. Building a robust and secure metaverse platform typically takes much longer than the timeline presented.

9. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): While DAOs are a legitimate concept in the blockchain space, their implementation requires careful consideration of legal, technical, and governance issues. The website’s casual mention of a governors-driven DAO model without addressing these complexities is a red flag.

10. Lack of Real-World Verification: The website doesn’t provide verifiable information about partnerships, collaborations, or endorsements from established organizations or individuals in the blockchain or metaverse space.

It’s important to approach projects like this with extreme caution. Conduct thorough research, seek independent expert opinions, and be highly skeptical of any investment opportunities that make grand promises without substantial evidence of their feasibility and legitimacy.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Token Sale Emphasis, Lack of Technical Details, Vague Use Cases, Unrealistic Roadmap, Overemphasis on Profit, Lack of Transparency, Unrealistic Timeline, Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Complexity, Lack of Real-World Verification
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.