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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the claims made are highly suspicious and indicative of a potential scam. Here are the reasons:

1. **Unprofessional Website**: The website’s design and content are not consistent with the official website of a reputable company like Nike. The use of grammatically incorrect sentences and unprofessional language is a red flag.

2. **Request for Personal Information**: The website asks for personal information, including name, email, and address, which is a common tactic used by scammers to gather data for identity theft or spam.

3. **High Earning Claims**: The promise of earning $300 for each completed job, along with free Nike products, is unrealistic and too good to be true. Legitimate product testing programs typically offer modest compensation or free samples, not high cash rewards.

4. **Vague Job Description**: The description of the job as “fiscal market research” and “submitting sample reports” is vague and does not align with typical product testing roles.

5. **Use of Multiple Brand Names**: The website mentions testing products and services for Nike, CVS, and Walmart, which is unusual for a single product testing program. It’s uncommon for a company to conduct testing for such diverse brands.

6. **Inconsistent Branding**: The website uses the term “Drifit Product Testing” but then heavily emphasizes the Nike brand, which is inconsistent and could be an attempt to capitalize on the reputation of a well-known brand.

7. **Lack of Official Affiliation**: There is no clear indication that this website is officially affiliated with Nike or any other mentioned brands. Legitimate product testing programs are usually associated with the official websites of the brands.

8. **No Verifiable Contact Information**: The website does not provide verifiable contact information such as a physical address or phone number, which is a common practice for legitimate businesses.

9. **Unrealistic Survey Frequency**: Claiming that participants will receive at least 2 surveys per week is unrealistic for a product testing program, especially with high compensation.

10. **Generic Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions**: The website’s privacy policy and terms & conditions are generic and do not provide specific details about how personal information is handled.

11. **Use of Gift Cards**: The mention of Nike gift cards and their monetary value is unusual in the context of a product testing program.

12. **Claim of Being a Secret Shopper/Surveyor**: The description of the job as a “secret shopper/surveyor” is not typical for product testing roles and could be a tactic to make the job sound more legitimate.

13. **Unusual Training Material Delivery**: The claim of providing training materials via email, text, and postal mail is uncommon for a product testing program.

14. **Claim of Immediate Survey Access**: The promise of instantly receiving surveys upon sign-up is unrealistic and not how legitimate product testing programs operate.

15. **Claim of Working with Minimal Supervision**: The description of the job as working with minimal supervision in stores like Walmart is unusual and not typical for product testing roles.

16. **Claim of Testing Human Resources Efficiency**: The description of the survey’s goal as evaluating the efficiency of human resources in stores is not typical for product testing and seems out of place.

17. **Use of Official Branding and Copyright**: The website uses the official Nike logo and claims a copyright date of 2024, which is misleading and potentially infringing on Nike’s intellectual property.

Given these reasons, it is highly advisable to approach this website with extreme caution and skepticism. It is recommended to avoid providing any personal information or engaging in any activities on the site.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unprofessional Website, Request for Personal Information, High Earning Claims, Vague Job Description, Use of Multiple Brand Names, Inconsistent Branding, Lack of Official Affiliation, No Verifiable Contact Information, Unrealistic Survey Frequency, Generic Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions, Use of Gift Cards, Claim of Being a Secret Shopper/Surveyor, Unusual Training Material Delivery, Claim of Immediate Survey Access, Claim of Working with Minimal Supervision, Claim of Testing Human Resources Efficiency, Use of Official Branding and Copyright
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden