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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content you provided is a classic example of a cryptocurrency scam, specifically a Ponzi scheme. Here are the reasons:

1. **Decentralized Automated Mutual Aid Fund (DAMAF)**: This is a common term used in Ponzi schemes to make them sound legitimate. In reality, it's just a way to attract new investors.

2. **Smart Contract and AI**: These are used to create a false sense of security and sophistication. In reality, they are just technical jargon to impress potential victims.

3. **Guaranteed Returns**: Promising a fixed percentage return (in this case, 2% per day) is a classic sign of a Ponzi scheme. It's not sustainable and relies on new investors' money to pay existing ones.

4. **Referral Program**: Offering referral bonuses is a common tactic in Ponzi schemes to incentivize existing investors to bring in new victims.

5. **Complete Safety Claims**: Any investment that claims to be completely safe is highly suspicious, especially in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

6. **High Remuneration for the Project Team**: The fact that 10% of all donations go to the project development team is a clear red flag. Legitimate projects don't take such a high percentage.

7. **Unrealistic Mathematical Model**: The disclaimer about the mathematical model and the possibility of the smart contract not being able to fulfill requests is a way to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the scheme.

8. **Use of Metamask**: While Metamask is a legitimate tool for interacting with Ethereum-based applications, its use in this context doesn't add any credibility to the scheme.

9. **Excessive Emphasis on Donations**: The focus on making multiple donations and the requirement for a minimum donation amount are tactics to extract as much money as possible from victims.

10. **Claim of Transparency**: Ponzi schemes often claim to be transparent, but in reality, the inner workings are intentionally complex and opaque.

11. **High Volatility and Financial Risks in the Crypto Market**: Exploiting the fear and uncertainty in the cryptocurrency market is a common tactic for Ponzi schemes.

12. **Frequent Payments**: Promising daily payments is unsustainable and a clear sign of a Ponzi scheme.

13. **Disclaimers and FAQs**: Including disclaimers and FAQs is a way to appear legitimate and address potential concerns, but they often contain carefully crafted language to protect the scammers legally.

14. **Use of AI and ChatGPT**: These are buzzwords that are often misused in scams to make them sound more advanced and trustworthy.

15. **Contract Audit**: The mention of a contract audit is an attempt to appear legitimate, but it's likely a fabricated or superficial audit.

16. **Multilingual Content**: Scammers often create content in multiple languages to reach a wider audience, but this doesn't make the scheme any more legitimate.

It's important to note that the use of technical jargon, complex mathematical models, and disclaimers is a common tactic in Ponzi schemes to create an illusion of legitimacy and complexity. In reality, these are just smokescreens to hide the simple truth: they rely on new investors' money to pay existing ones until the inevitable collapse. It's a classic case of "robbing Peter to pay Paul."

the reasons behind this review :
Decentralized Automated Mutual Aid Fund (DAMAF), Smart Contract and AI, Guaranteed Returns, Referral Program, Complete Safety Claims, High Remuneration for the Project Team, Unrealistic Mathematical Model, Use of Metamask, Excessive Emphasis on Donations, Claim of Transparency, High Volatility and Financial Risks in the Crypto Market, Frequent Payments, Disclaimers and FAQs, Use of AI and ChatGPT, Contract Audit, Multilingual Content
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new