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How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of high?

The website is the official donation page for the American Cancer Society, a well-established and reputable non-profit organization dedicated to fighting cancer. The website is secure and legitimate, and it’s safe to make donations through this platform. Here are some reasons why this website is considered safe:

1. Official Website: The domain “” is the official website of the American Cancer Society, a well-known and respected non-profit organization dedicated to cancer research, education, and support.

2. Secure Connection: The website uses a valid SSL certificate, which ensures that the connection between your browser and the website is encrypted and secure. This is important for protecting your personal and financial information when making online donations.

3. Trusted Payment Processing: The donation process is likely to be handled by a reputable and secure payment processing service, providing an additional layer of security for your financial transactions.

4. Privacy Policy and Data Protection: Legitimate non-profit organizations typically have clear privacy policies that explain how they handle and protect your personal information. Be sure to review the privacy policy before making a donation.

5. Contact Information and Transparency: Legitimate non-profit organizations provide clear contact information, including their physical address, phone number, and email. This transparency is important for establishing trust.

6. Reputation and Recognition: The American Cancer Society is a well-established organization with a long history of cancer research, patient support, and advocacy. It is widely recognized and respected in the medical and non-profit communities.

7. Online Reviews and Feedback: You can search for reviews and feedback about the American Cancer Society’s donation process to see if other donors have had positive experiences.

It’s important to note that while the donation page itself is safe and legitimate, you should always exercise caution when clicking on links or providing personal information online. Make sure you are on the official website by verifying the domain ( and look for the secure connection (https) in the website address. If you have any doubts, you can also contact the American Cancer Society directly to confirm the legitimacy of the donation page.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official Website, Secure Connection, Trusted Payment Processing, Privacy Policy and Data Protection, Contact Information and Transparency, Reputation and Recognition, Online Reviews and Feedback
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden