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Why is the trust score of very low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website “” claims to offer a free, unlimited dice generator for the game “Yahtzee with Buddies.” However, it’s important to approach this with caution for several reasons:

1. **Unlimited Free Dice:** The promise of unlimited free dice for a game like “Yahtzee with Buddies” raises immediate red flags. In most online games, especially those with in-app purchases, offering unlimited resources for free is highly unusual and often violates the terms of service of the game.

2. **Cheat/Hack Language:** The use of terms like “cheat” and “hack” in the website’s keywords (“yahtzee with buddies dice cheat,” “yahtzee with buddies dice hack”) is concerning. It suggests that the service may involve unauthorized or unethical methods to manipulate the game, which can lead to negative consequences.

3. **Lack of Official Affiliation:** There’s no indication that “” is officially affiliated with the creators of “Yahtzee with Buddies” or any legitimate gaming platform. This lack of official endorsement raises doubts about the legitimacy of the service.

4. **Security Risks:** Any service that requires access to your gaming account or personal information for the purpose of providing free resources can pose significant security risks. It’s important to be cautious about sharing sensitive data with such platforms.

5. **Inconsistent Branding:** The website’s title “givedice” and its description as “free unlimited dice generator for yahtzee with buddies” are not consistent with the official branding of the game. Legitimate services typically use accurate and consistent branding to establish trust.

6. **No Verifiable Reviews or Testimonials:** A lack of genuine user reviews or testimonials, especially from reputable sources, is another warning sign. Legitimate services often have verifiable feedback from users or industry experts.

7. **Potential Violation of Game Rules:** If the service indeed provides unlimited dice through unauthorized means, it likely violates the terms of service of “Yahtzee with Buddies.” Engaging in such activities can result in penalties, including the suspension or banning of your gaming account.

Given these concerns, it’s advisable to avoid using “” or any similar service that claims to offer unlimited resources for online games through dubious means. Instead, it’s best to enjoy games like “Yahtzee with Buddies” within the framework of fair play and in accordance with the rules set by the game’s developers.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unlimited Free Dice, Cheat/Hack Language, Lack of Official Affiliation, Security Risks, Inconsistent Branding, No Verifiable Reviews or Testimonials, Potential Violation of Game Rules
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new