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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is the official website of Devsisters, a South Korean mobile game company. Devsisters is known for creating popular mobile games, particularly the “Cookie Run” series. The website serves as a platform for the company to showcase its games, provide news and updates, and engage with its community of players. Here are some key points about and Devsisters:

1. Company Overview: Devsisters is a mobile game development company based in South Korea. It was founded in 2007 by Ji-hoon Lee and Jong-heun Kim. The company is best known for its “Cookie Run” series, which has gained a large and dedicated fanbase.

2. Cookie Run Series: The “Cookie Run” series is a collection of side-scrolling, endless running games featuring adorable cookie characters. Players control various cookies as they run through different environments, collecting coins and dodging obstacles. The series has been a commercial success and has expanded to include multiple games and spin-offs.

3. Website Purpose: serves as the official website for Devsisters and its games, particularly the “Cookie Run” series. It provides information about the games, updates on new releases or events, and a platform for community engagement.

4. Game Information: The website offers details about the various games in the “Cookie Run” series, including “Cookie Run: OvenBreak,” “Cookie Run: Kingdom,” and “Cookie Run: Puzzle World.” Visitors can learn about the gameplay, characters, and in-game events.

5. Community Engagement: Devsisters uses the website to interact with its player community. This may include announcements, fan art features, and links to social media channels where players can connect and share their experiences.

6. News and Updates: likely serves as a hub for the latest news and updates related to Devsisters’ games. This can include information about new game features, special events, and collaborations.

7. Corporate Information: In addition to game-related content, the website may also provide information about Devsisters as a company. This could include details about its history, mission, and team members.

8. Merchandise and Community Resources: Some game companies use their websites to offer merchandise, community forums, or other resources for players. may have sections dedicated to these aspects of the “Cookie Run” community.

9. Mobile Optimization: Given that Devsisters is a mobile game developer, it’s likely that is optimized for mobile devices. This ensures that players can easily access information about the games from their smartphones or tablets.

10. Language Support: As a South Korean company with a global player base, the website may offer support for multiple languages to cater to its diverse audience.

In summary, is the official website of Devsisters, a mobile game company known for its “Cookie Run” series. The website is designed to provide information about the games, engage with the player community, and serve as a central hub for news and updates related to Devsisters’ game releases and events.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website is the official platform for Devsisters, a well-known South Korean mobile game company. It provides information about the company's popular "Cookie Run" series and serves as a hub for game-related news, updates, and community engagement. The site likely caters to a global audience, given the international popularity of the games. It's important to note that while the website is safe and legitimate, users should always exercise caution when interacting with online gaming communities and be mindful of in-app purchases or sharing personal information.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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