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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content you provided is highly concerning and strongly suggests that the website is involved in illegal activities, particularly related to the sale of controlled substances and other illicit products. The presence of products like cocaine, heroin, and various prescription medications for sale is a clear indication of illegal operations. Additionally, the use of terms like ‘dark net’ in the website’s name further reinforces the suspicion of illegal activities.

Here are some specific reasons why the website is highly suspicious:

1. **Illegal Product Listings:** The website openly lists illegal drugs and controlled substances for sale, which is a clear violation of the law.

2. **Lack of Legitimate Business Information:** There is no legitimate business information provided on the website, such as a physical address, business registration details, or any indication of legal authorization to sell such products.

3. **Use of Cryptocurrencies:** The website may accept payment in cryptocurrencies, which is a common practice in illegal online marketplaces.

4. **Unrealistic Product Range:** The wide range of illegal products listed, from drugs to firearms, is highly unrealistic for any legitimate business.

5. **No Age Verification or Prescription Requirement:** The sale of prescription medications without any verification of age or prescription is illegal and highly dangerous.

6. **No Disclaimers or Legal Compliance Statements:** Legitimate online pharmacies and medical suppliers are required to have specific disclaimers and legal compliance statements, which are absent on this website.

7. **High Risk of Fraud and Identity Theft:** Users who attempt to make purchases on this website are at high risk of fraud, identity theft, and legal repercussions.

8. **Potential for Harmful or Fake Products:** Even if a user were to receive a product after making a purchase, there is a high risk that the product could be harmful, fake, or of extremely low quality.

9. **Association with the Dark Web:** The use of the term ‘dark net’ in the website’s name suggests an association with the dark web, which is notorious for illegal activities.

10. **No Legal Protections for Customers:** Legitimate online businesses have legal protections and guarantees for their customers, which are absent in this case.

It’s important to emphasize that engaging with this website in any way, including making purchases or providing personal information, is extremely risky and potentially illegal. It’s strongly advised to avoid this website and report it to the appropriate authorities if possible.”

the reasons behind this review :
Illegal Product Listings, Lack of Legitimate Business Information, Use of Cryptocurrencies, Unrealistic Product Range, No Age Verification or Prescription Requirement, No Disclaimers or Legal Compliance Statements, High Risk of Fraud and Identity Theft, Potential for Harmful or Fake Products, Association with the Dark Web, No Legal Protections for Customers
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new