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Why is the trust score of very high? is a social media aggregator that allows users to collect and display content from various social media platforms. It supports popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more. Users can aggregate posts from their own accounts or showcase user-generated content. The platform offers various features, including advanced filtering, branding options, API access, analytics and reporting, custom posts, notifications, and more. It also provides different pricing plans, including a free forever plan with basic features and paid plans with additional functionalities.

The platform is designed to help individuals, businesses, and organizations curate and display social media content on their websites or other digital properties. It can be particularly useful for marketing and branding purposes, as it allows users to create engaging and dynamic social media feeds.

Key Features:

Support for Multiple Social Media Platforms: supports a wide range of social media platforms, allowing users to aggregate content from various sources.

Advanced Filtering and Moderation: Users can set up rules to filter and moderate the content that appears in their social media feeds, ensuring that only relevant and appropriate posts are displayed.

Branding and Customization: The platform offers options for branding and customization, allowing users to tailor the appearance of their social media feeds to align with their brand identity.

API Access: provides API access, enabling users to integrate social media content into their applications or other digital platforms.

Analytics and Reporting: Users can access analytics and reporting features to gain insights into the performance of their social media feeds, including top-clicked posts and audience engagement.

Notifications and User Management: The platform offers features for receiving notifications about disconnections and managing user permissions for content curation and site development.

Embeddable Feeds: Users can easily embed their curated social media feeds on their websites or other digital properties, enhancing the visibility of social content.

Overall, aims to simplify the process of curating and displaying social media content, providing a user-friendly interface and a range of features to support effective content aggregation and presentation."

the reasons behind this review :
Support for Multiple Social Media Platforms, Advanced Filtering and Moderation, Branding and Customization, API Access, Analytics and Reporting, Notifications and User Management, Embeddable Feeds
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden