How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of high?

The website is a Bulgarian online store for professional cosmetics, offering a range of products for face, hair, and body care. The site appears to be a legitimate e-commerce platform, specializing in beauty and skincare products. It features a variety of well-known brands and provides detailed information about the products, including prices and descriptions. The site also includes a newsletter subscription option, contact information, and a search function for easy navigation. The presence of an SSL certificate indicates that the website is taking measures to secure online transactions and protect user data. Additionally, the website’s domain has been registered for over a year, which suggests a certain level of credibility and stability. However, as with any online purchase, it’s advisable to exercise caution and ensure that the website is reputable before making any transactions. This can include checking for customer reviews, verifying the site’s security measures, and confirming the legitimacy of the business. Overall, based on the available information, the website appears to be a legitimate online store for professional cosmetics, but potential customers should conduct their own due diligence before making any purchases.”

the reasons behind this review :
Bulgarian online store, professional cosmetics, range of products, face, hair, body care, legitimate e-commerce platform, beauty, skincare products, well-known brands, detailed information, prices, descriptions, newsletter subscription option, contact information, search function, SSL certificate, secure online transactions, protect user data, website's domain, registered for over a year, credibility, stability, online purchase, exercise caution, reputable, customer reviews, security measures, legitimacy of the business, legitimate online store, professional cosmetics, potential customers, due diligence, purchases
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden