How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Several red flags indicate this:

1. **Generic Error Message**: The error message “406 – Not Acceptable” is not typical for a legitimate website. It’s often used to obfuscate the actual issues or to deter investigation.

2. **Suspicious Behavior**: The mention of “suspicious behavior” and the blocking of the request due to it is a common tactic used by scam websites to avoid scrutiny.

3. **Lack of Detailed Information**: The error message doesn’t provide specific details about the issue, which is unusual for a legitimate website.

4. **Hidden Domain Whois Information**: The fact that the domain whois information is hidden is a significant red flag. Legitimate websites typically have transparent and verifiable domain registration details.

5. **Unverifiable SSL Certificate**: While the SSL certificate is issued by a known Certificate Authority (DigiCert Inc) and is of type Domain Validated (DV), the lack of further details or the inability to verify the certificate’s authenticity can be a concern.

6. **Server Information**: The server information “ / 429-Array” is not typical for a consumer-facing website. It could be a sign of a non-standard or suspicious setup.

7. **Long Period of Inactivity**: The fact that the website has not been archived by the Wayback Machine for 1327 days (approximately 3.6 years) is unusual for a legitimate and active website.

8. **Tranco Ranking of 0**: The website’s absence from the Tranco ranking, which measures the traffic of the top million websites, is another indication of its obscurity or potential illegitimacy.

Considering these red flags, it’s advisable to avoid interacting with this website and to exercise caution when encountering similar sites. If you were trying to access a legitimate service or company, it’s recommended to verify the website’s URL directly from the official source rather than following links or using search engines, as scammers often manipulate search results and URLs to appear legitimate.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic Error Message, Suspicious Behavior, Lack of Detailed Information, Hidden Domain Whois Information, Unverifiable SSL Certificate, Server Information, Long Period of Inactivity, Tranco Ranking of 0
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden