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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The content you provided is highly indicative of a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. **Urgency and Time Limit**: Scammers often use time pressure to make victims act quickly without thinking. The claim that you have only 7 days to claim your rewards is a classic tactic.

2. **Airdrop and Free Rewards**: Offering free money or rewards for no effort is a common lure in scams. It's often used to get people to provide personal information or pay fees.

3. **Unsolicited Airdrops**: If you haven't actively participated in any Ethereum events or promotions, receiving an airdrop out of the blue is highly suspicious.

4. **High Reward Amounts**: The large amounts displayed can be an attempt to make the offer seem more attractive, but it's also a common tactic in scams.

5. **Gas Fee Refund**: This is a common tactic in cryptocurrency scams. They promise to refund gas fees, which can be a significant amount in Ethereum transactions, to lure victims into paying more fees.

6. **Vague Information and Promises**: The website provides very little concrete information about the event, the organization, or how the rewards are distributed. Legitimate events and airdrops usually have clear terms and conditions.

7. **No Clear Purpose**: The website seems to be focused on claiming rewards, but it's not clear what the rewards are for or what the purpose of the website is beyond claiming these rewards.

8. **No Contact Information or Support**: Legitimate organizations usually provide clear contact information and support channels. The lack of these details is a red flag.

9. **Unprofessional Design and Language**: The website's design and language use ("comming soon," misspellings, etc.) are not typical of professional or legitimate platforms.

10. **Mystery Box and Bonus**: These are common elements in online scams, often used to create a sense of excitement and mystery.

11. **Use of Ethereum's Name**: Scammers often use the names of popular and legitimate platforms like Ethereum to lend credibility to their scams.

12. **No Information about the Organization**: There's no clear information about who is behind the website or the event, which is a major red flag.

Given these reasons, it's highly likely that this website is a scam. It's important to be extremely cautious when dealing with offers like this, especially in the cryptocurrency space where scams are unfortunately common. Always verify the legitimacy of any offer independently and never provide personal or financial information unless you are absolutely certain of the other party's trustworthiness."

the reasons behind this review :
Urgency and Time Limit, Airdrop and Free Rewards, Unsolicited Airdrops, High Reward Amounts, Gas Fee Refund, Vague Information and Promises, No Clear Purpose, No Contact Information or Support, Unprofessional Design and Language, Mystery Box and Bonus, Use of Ethereum's Name, No Information about the Organization
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden